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  • Yeah I'm serious. And no I didn't fight her. I WANTED to. I want to assert myself to her on some things but she's so thick I can't argue with her without being told I'm being sassy and then punished further. I'm not always trying to be sassy! Sometimes she just goes too far!
    I've been anxious about having aspires syndrome for about 2 years now and when I worked up the courage to talk to her,she wasn't sympathetic or anything. She doesn't UNDERSTAND.
    Yeah it's an HP personal or something. Always trying to update itself.

    Haha same. We must be long lost twins or something xD

    Polyvore is this site where you make clothing collages and stuff. I play with it to put outfits together when I'm visualizing them for stories.

    Oh is that why you hate cats? Because If you knew Tux then you wouldn't hate them. He was the best cat in the world. He never stuck his butt in your face and let you drag him around and snuggle him like a teddy bear. I even cut his whiskers off as I toddler I guess and nothing happened. He was declawed though.
    Read this post second.

    Nonetheless, let the record show that I've never liked my name very much. I always thought it was inconveniently long and wanted a nickname but my mom wouldn't let anyone shorten my name. Now that I'm old enough that my mom's opinion doesn't matter (especially since she lives in another state now) no one would be able to get used to calling me anything else and no shortenings of Elizabeth really fit anyway.

    But I respond very well to GG, even in person (though I don't like the name Gigi.) I also respond to Angelbeth, Lizzzy, 'Lizabeth, Yelizavetushka, James, ShmiG, Sherlock, and to a favored few, Liesel and Babette. Plus a lot of other names I can't think of right now.

    You got me on one of those topics that I can monologue about quite a bit, as you can tell. ;)

    But I remain,
    Read this post first

    My poor interrupted response to your post on the Write A Note thread. ;) In multiple sections because it's too long. XD

    Dear Hyper

    I told everyone on the forum ages ago but since I'd already been on the forum for about five years no one (even the ones who know me in real life) bothers to call me by it. ;) It's Elizabeth. I finally gave in and told people because A. I figured I didn't really care anymore and I was old enough to make that decision and B. One of my friends from not online had joined and couldn't stop himself from calling me Elizabeth all the time (and he said it was quite unfair because I could call him his real name because it was in his username) so I took pity on him and told everyone. ;)
    btw. If you like techno,you should check out Swimming With Dolphins. Adam started it with a friend but then dropped it when Owl City got big. SWD is on a christian label with clean lyrics but has some AWESOME synth solos. Amazing beats too. Just thought if you liked that hello seattle remix you should check it out :)
    I have some bad news though. My mom is going computer-nazi again and said I can't have the forum/laptop or ANYTHING all summer. She said I can only call my gramma or whatever. Like WHAT? Is she seriously trying to cut me off from EVERYTHING? I'm supposed to go take some summer classes but it's not like I'm gonna make best friends with those people. They're all public schoolers,they NEVER like me.

    So basically,you have my email if you need to reach me when the summer hits. I might be lucky enough to nab some forum time though(since she's so clueless) but I'm just rather bummed she keeps doing that. AGHHH!!!
    That's why I like MACS. when you use a mac I feel like I'm using a futuristic robot or something.

    I KNOW RIGHT? He's picking scabs that I let heal. WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM ME? I'm NOT being used again.

    I'm not supposed to be up late but if my mom takes away my laptop,I'm up late anyway SIMPLY BECAUSE MY BODY DOES NOT ALLOW SLEEP UNTIL AT LEAST 11:30! She will never make me sleep before then. EVER.

    When you wear those hats,you get labeled as a frat boy who are bad news. I wonder if we styled it to a certain outfit though it would look cool. I'm gonna go mess with Polyvore sometime and see what I can come up with.

    yeah I have a job...kind of. My dad runs a screen printing business so me and my sister come in and fold/bag shirts or do pins etc. We make roughly around 30-60$ each time. Once I got paid 180$ though for working 12-6 a whole week. So I make quite a bit of cash...
    I want to write you
    a love poem as headlong
    as our creek
    after thaw
    when we stand
    on its dangerous
    banks and watch it carry
    with it every twig
    every dry leaf and branch
    in its path
    every scrumple
    whenwe see it
    so swollen
    with runoff
    that even as we watch
    we must grab
    each other
    and step back
    we must grab each
    other or
    get our shoes
    soaked we must
    grab each other
    mulch? been there done that... not fun... yah... I KNOW... i don't either ;)

    but if you don't doesn't that mean that it gets pushed further into the summer?
    Cant be friday.. unless ur okay with no cam.. cuz i'll be camping .. *rolls eyes* save me ?
    Well than you better!!! They are amazing! (start with the hobbit)

    lol... I am quite sure we have discussed this before, patrick :p but yes, very cool :p
    oh!!!! yah... i had replied forever ago... on my own wall... woops! :p

    lotr was popular/a craze... the hobbit is about to become a craze again :p *shifty eyes*

    I just got my sister (smaug) hooked on reading how to train your dragon also :p *muhahahaha!*
    ah good luck! :D

    it takes me a long time because college made me so burnt out on reading/writing :p lol

    I really liked the dragon ones. Crissida (sp) is such a clever author :)

    ah. Well, well written realism can be good. :)
    good to hear It's never fun to write about... boring books... which seems to be most books schools want to be written about... psh you better try your best

    Reading some books on poverty/evangelism/theology/social justice and then I also read some of the How to Train Your Dragon books
    accidentally responded on my own wall...

    No, I have not... didn't sound that interesting. I looked into it... but it seems to be just another version of Ender's Game... with all sense of morality pulled out... Is it as interesting as they make it out to be? My sister-in-law keeps raving about it...
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