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  • Haha I watched SNL and Mystery Science Theatre. It's okay. I didn't watch any yet but I just read the synopsis. I'll watch it this weekend okay?

    Oh...well...maybe. I try to steer clear of religious arguments because it tends to make people defensive,but then again...that's because I was talking to an athiest.

    Oh hey! I forgot what I was doing tomorrow! I'm going to this skateboarding competition with my dad. I guess we're supposed to be on TV or something. I dunno. But I totally forgot all about it...
    That is pretty busy...... Haha +is it the dance you've been talking about for a while?:p

    It's tomorrow now and I think we're doing the erm... 3L Rainbow Milk Challange:L hahah WOOOO
    i really like how he is honest about his christian faith, even though he is not necessarily marketed as "christian." Gotta respect that! :)
    It's okay then. I clean my inbox out every couple of days too.

    I have hulu and netflix thanks :) I'll check it out this weekend.

    I just read the synopsis: Omg that looks like a funny show. I'm definitely going to watch it now..
    I'm sorry... I know I was away for a while. I was busy with the end of the semester at the university, helping my best friend move, getting a new puppy and visiting family... I've been a busy bee! I haven't had time to stop in... Now I do!
    Hey when you can,can you forward me the first part of the mom thing I sent you? I need to save it on my computer to confront her with later...
    Back to the future or Mystery Science Theatre or something.

    Hey remember that one time we had recitals on the same day and I ditched mine? That was funny :p
    Is it Olive Garden?
    Sounds fun. I hope you have a good time. I'm gonna rent a DVD or something and eat chips...
    Oh okay :)

    Oh alrighty then. Microsoft word kinda bugs me about all the spacing but that's because I used Text Edit for about 2 years when I wrote my first two fanfics.
    My sent box and inbox got all full so I had to empty it. :eek: now I can't remember what I was saying...

    Oh so it was like Adobe illustrator or something?
    OOOH yeah. Now I know what you're talking about. So are you like cutting out the booklets and decorating them or something?
    BUT,it's not just hollywood's fault. These women AGREE to do such things. BUT then again it's because their poor abused ladies often and they do it to make money because they didn't get an education etc. There's always more than one answer to every problem.
    AND when you try to fix them,then you create another problem.

    It's just nasty. I pretend I live in Owl City when I think about it...
    II have no idea what i have........ medicine wont work, my throats not dry, or sore.... i can cough, and it doesnt help.. it like tickles. but it doesnt... and idk.... idt any1 has it....... but its starting to really make me mad ;p ..... any way.. thats fine, we can do it next week :) .... try to take a walk if ur too stressed tho.
    gah... yes... so annoying

    ah have heard it... i can never quite determine how much I like owl city or not... I listen to him every once and a while though... he is pretty talented :)

    Yeah,what parents don't know is that porn only shows up if you type in the right thing. And also,that OBVIOUSLY we're not gonna go look for it. You can get blockers that don't block everything.

    Well we're twins remember? We probably would've been an unstoppable stupid pair if we were on here at the same time :D

    It's just a collage site. Honestly,some boys are way girlier. They play on freaking Barbie sites ><

    Nanny cam is this camera software thing parents install on computers that basically blocks EVERY website but like nick jr. and baby games websites :p I've never had it thank god but I've heard about it.

    Hey,we'll talk later. I have to go watch my brothers :) bYE!
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