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  • Good... i like to hear that... and totally a puberity thing XD LOL

    my monday? hmm... sucked .. alot
    There's people in my year at school who don't seem to want to be clean... they genually make me cringe:/ I could've guessed that you do haha and your personality is fine! You've got friends on here right? You've got friends in real life right? Therefore, you don't need to change your personality at all! Never do it.
    It's on the play M. Butterfly.

    The best you can do is pretend to be outgoing and confident and people will believe you. Fake it until it becomes a habit.
    I had that app a while ago. It was the first texting app I got. Texting is totally free, but if you want to call someone you have to have minutes. Which you can get those by downloading other free apps and then it will credit them to you. I used it for a long time, but it got so buggy and was always crashing, so I switched to "Text Free w/voice". It does the same thing except I like it's layout better. Plus if anyone calls your textnow number, it uses minutes. If they call your textfree number it's free. It only costs minutes if YOU call them. So you can just text them for free and have them call you. Then it's free! So, I thought Text now was the best app out there too when I first got it, but now I am a TEXTFREE user! But it is also called "Pinger". I like it!
    Your friend said that? That's pretty good advice:p I'll tell you right now though, looks genually have no affect as to whether people like being around you or not:/ Unless you look dirty, you know what I mean? Nobody really likes being around someone who smells bad.... I'm not saying you do:L But still haha oooh awkward:p

    So it's a chocolate eclair basically? haha I was imagining a thin breadstick, but cake version, with cream in the middle haha
    hi, patrick! :) Sorry saw your message just now... haven't been active here for a looooong while... I'm traveling constantly... It's nice 2 meet you online! Much much belated happy birthday too! See you around! :)
    Social : If you dont feel like you're social enough, well maybe you should talk to your parents about a public school ? I mean it wouldnt hurt to try, would it? I mean there has to be at least a SMALL school with only a couple hundred kids right?
    It would be good for you.. even if you start next year? I mean you are going to college after your done home schooling and thats like ALOT of people.. thousands. Its going to be a big jump from your family .. to thousands/hundreds in one room learning. Talk about it with your parents.

    Joe : Are you sure he is straight o_O ... and if you do talk to ur parents about school.. mention that one where you will know somebody :D

    Me : I like being your personal diary.. i kinda feel trusted and loved <3
    Nooo dont worry about it :) I like when you send me things like this XD Its actually something i reply on :p ... I hate when we type like 2 lines .. i have nothing to say .. soo...

    Personality : I dont care who you thinks likes or hates your personality.. you're amazing just the way you are (bruno mars said so ;) ) and if you cant express that around EVERYBODY then its their lost. You shouldn't have to hide who you are from anybody. I try not to unless im in public and theres a hot guy.. but other then that.. if you dont like me for who I AM ! then i dont really care.. im going to be who i want to be, not somebody you want me to be..
    Advice? Erm, is there anything specific you'd like advice on? Like talking to people, arranging things etc
    You've probably been told this alot but you genually just need to be yourself, at first you might want to be slightly more outgoing and voice your opinions more just so that people do take notice of you. Well you've started all your new clubs and things so it's a great opportunity to make a point to smile or say hi to everyone you make eye contact with, little things like that that'll grow into conversations and then getting to know each other more:) With girlfriends the only thing I can really say is that if they don't like you, don't spend ages trying to get her too because the chances are if she can't appriciate how funny you are and stuff she isn't worth it:p

    Awh that sounds well fun! Do marshmallows over a fire and everything! Be proper cliché:p
    Gaming party!? That sounds so good! haha
    hahaha its fine.. i kinda went to bed semi early XD i was sooo tired last night. it wasnt fit
    It was absolutely amazing, I met loads of people there that I had a load in common with:p

    A mix of things really depending on what term it is, like now we're doing 'zone ball' which is basically a game they've made up, but it's fine by me because I can do it haha

    WOO! For that I'm proud:p Are they for your birthday? (which by the way I forgot to say happy birthday to.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATRIIICK)
    The Midnight Beast, they're like a comedy rap band:L haha

    Aww that's awesome! School never really motivates me, I had to do p.e outside today I was quite literally freezing my bum off:/

    +ppffftt where's my invite!? As Ke$ha would say 'the party don't start 'till I walk in'
    hahaha i MAKE time for the comp XD !!

    really? that sounds nice.... dont say handy capped .... its not nice :( mentally challenged is a better choice of words.. I have one in my class.. im getting a grad pic with her :D !

    Its been... long and i've been mad ..

    hahahaha XD So... tomorrow night... chator no
    Yeah it has!
    I've been alright haha, went to a concert on thursday and it was absolutely amazing haha best night I've had in ages:p you?
    Oh my gosh! I am soooooo sorry! I wasn't even on the web four days ago to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! So, have a happy, uummm, YEAR!!
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