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  • I'm really sorry I didn't message you sooner!

    Oh, I love musicals. I can understand why people don't. Some times singing randomly on stage is really silly and kind of stupid. But I love it.
    It is two different worlds. Techies are so much different from actors. We're a bit more quiet and laid back.

    Cool! I'm glad you had fun. I've never been to Cincinnati, it sounds like a lovely place.

    How was the retreat? Did you have fun?
    hahahaha WAZOO !! ;D !!! xD

    and good !! they r the besttttt !!!!!!!!! Try listening to escape the fate , or falling reverse... good bands...

    and its not sad.. hes a prick and i called her stupid for staying this long... LOL XD she left him once when i was baby...

    and lol.. cant believe u got fb XD lol

    and crae ... sounds like a shell fish.. ew
    Haha maybe ill watch lost some time.. I nv got into it before..but ya never know..

    Wow... Try to find some its really good.i like green apple jones.

    Hahaha maybe i will go there.. Depends.. I think when i graduate my moms leaving dad...

    Hehehe i bet shes gorgeous :)

    I did watch the vid.. Wasnt bad.... Lol
    hahaha, yeah.. kinda.. its at the reccenter, cuz theres no retirement place close by here... and i dont watch lost... i dont think i'd get into it...

    how can you not have it? !!!! Other people i know have it

    yeah, i never did it before... I'd love to go to a shrine .. like... it sounds legit !!! lol

    Hmm.. I'll look into it for my future years ;) hehehe theres a vet program there ??? O_O :D

    and annie is a cute name, makes me think of that movie.. but its a really pretty name :) what is she like ??? !!! and I'd stare at you too till you talked ! i mean look at how we chat on here. lolol.. I hate that tho, when ur with people and you feel sooo awkward and out of place, but nobody will talk to you.. ughh
    haha i got 13 hours XD im still tired.. so im now helping out at bingo.. and i'll talk about softball wed? :D !!!

    WHAT IS JONES ? WHAT !! I wanna slap u .. its like.. heaven in a bottle bro.. like..... find some and drink it !! please

    you go to shrines? i'd like to go to one over in like .... egypt or ya know... asia somewhere... where like.. jesus was born around there.. but not here ! lol..

    really? its a nice school?? I'll look into it.. whats the name of the college ? :p

    and.... awwwweh :( sorry to hear that man ! whats the new girls name ?
    he doesnt... he lieks my massages tho !! haha, its funny XD !

    LOL !!! you're pic is sooo cute !! I love it !! so .. i got like softball tomorrow... and i bought two bottles of jones this week.. both of them had the same tops.. it said "miss the bus on purpose" .. and ive been freaking out since .... like, im taking the bust in the morning ... ARGH !!!!

    and what kind of vacay? was it fun ???? tell me bro !!!!!!!

    and okay !! I'll watch ! :D
    hahaha nah, i dont got a date :( sadly... but i do ;) all the time XD

    same with me, i dont get on here much anyways :/ </3

    and he was playing with hair, and he got my eye lol... its no big deal, only my eye lid !!! and your dog?? LOL ! thats funny

    hahaha we did !! my vice principal ..... he was like "congrats to the girls soft ball team for winning 12 - 4, you defeated, wait, thats not a defet YOU CRUSHED THEM" LOL hes over 50 XD
    OOOH btw, today was my first ever softball game, im on the starting line, and we won 12 - 4 :D !!!!! whoooop ! cant wait for the weekend !!

    cat almost clawed eye out this week (im fine )

    Schools slowly dragging on... why havent u messaged me ? =/ i really miss you, you know </3

    Oh, i like a guy in my class, i know he doesnt like my, but i still like him :p hes awesome <333 BAHH... schools sooooooooo confusing
    Uuuuggghhhhh! So, when I saved my story, the computer for some reason did not save any of the text!!!!! So, luckily, I had printed one copy before turning my computer off. So I will have to re type the whole thing and then send it to you. As crazy as work is, plus a super busy weekend, it might be next week before I get to it. Sorry Patrick :(
    Hello Patrick aka hyper. My name is Brandon aka xcalibr. Thanks for greeting! That's very of you! I do happen to have a question...do you have any idea where I can get one of these:
    It's a yacht, I think. It's pretty extravagant. Maybe when I'm an upperclassmen.

    Yeah, I remember listening to it when I was younger. It was pretty good.

    I liked them, they were pretty good. I actually found them on Pandora one day, and I thought of what you said.
    Yeah, it's a good song. I really like the band.
    I hear ya. When I was in band, I would no nothing! Musicals are different for me. I really like them, and the music in them. Singing in the Rain is a really good musical. You should check it out. Musicals are not to appealing to teens, I have to admit. I really like theater. This weekend I saw this play called "See How They Run" it was really funny! I laughed the entire time.

    Tell me all about it when you get back.:D

    Anything new with you? It seems like I'm talking to much
    Thanks for the birthday greeting. Just got back from a 20 mile hike and I have a slight ache, more of a mild twinge in my legs, actually, which sometimes makes me thinking of saying, "AAAAAAUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
    Homecoming is cool, it's on a boat this year.Sadly, homecoming is 80 dollars to go. It's too much money.

    Yeah, they were more about love and not...other stuff. I don't like the dancing and partying all night.
    Yeah, it's a great song. Very good message.
    I hear yeah. You think you have nothing when your a kid, but you have everything. homework isn't close to bills or an actual job.
    Cool, I'll look then up. Right now I really like a song called "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons. Have you heard of it?
    I just got the schedule for my first tech show. It's "Singing in the Rain" I can't wait! I love that musical. It's a lot of time out of my day though.
    Nooooooot at all. ;) I'm at college all week, the only time I have a graphics program is on the weekends. This weekend we have our Lord of the Rings party so I'm doing ten billion things and I've been recruited to do something else tomorrow so unless the date is extended I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it at all.
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