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  • Maybe one day you'll get together. But I understand what your saying.
    I actully found a guy that I like. He was at a birthday party for my friend. He looks a lot like a guy from youtube, and he's into musical theater(he's in the same program I'm in, but preforming , not tech) so I like him. BUT....he's a junior. oh well

    very cool. I can't open a oven without burning myself, so hats off to you.

    I'm not a big fan of rap, but I like him. The messages are much better than most rap.

    cool, I will have to later, I'm going to my first confirmation class. Wish me luck. :D
    It's abit of both really, it turns out the first time she gets to come home though I'm taking the brownies camping:L
    I feel in a way like I'm being rushed, I know that I'm not but in my head I'm just like calm your farm! A dream? Like in an ideal world what I'd love to do? Acting for sure, where I can wear at least one old-fashioned big ball gown and get all dressed up. Yeah for definate:) You?
    So are you enjoying it?:D Woah you're very busy, what sports?:D I'm doing volleyball at school again, but they've changed our P.E groups and it's better now. I'm in the group where we just have a laugh and don't take the idea of winning too seriously:)
    She sounds like a lovely person, I hope you guys become good friends.
    I know, he's the best.
    vanilla with dark chocolate icing, homemade. It was really good.
    You bake? That's really cool! What do you like to bake?
    Oh yeah, I going to look more of him up soon.
    I'm really into this song right now
    I saw the pictures, but I guess you knew that by the PM.

    He does it to teach. He pretends to use it has a microphone, and he uses as a pointer. He also uses it to rap on his desk to get our attention. Now he has these scissors he likes to snap at us(not dangerously). It's awesome

    My brother takes Spanish, he doesn't like it too. I think I did good on both of my tests today. AND I got a cupcake from my teacher for getting an A. :D
    Thankfully we finished cleaning the lights. But now we have to move them to a blackbox theater(it's a room that is all black that is used for smaller shows). It's kinda a pain.
    Hey, I would like more music, and I can't find anything. Do you have suggestions?
    Oooohhhhh...... GOOD POINT!! So, when you're rolling out of bed at 6, which is 5 my time, then I guess we are getting up at the same time! I don't know why I was thinking totally backwards!
    Well, I get up at 5am on Tuesday and Thursday because I have to leave for work by 6/6:30. And I live an hour away from work, so I get there at 7/7:30/8! LOL! But if you went to a midnight showing, and I did too, then you would only be half way through the movie when it started here! :D
    Did you look at it ??? DID U LIKE HIM ?? :D !!

    and we should soooooo FLASHCHAT ! and like watch it together again :p
    So you are on Eastern time. When I wrote you tht message it was 5:40 at my house! So you're an hour ahead of me!? Is anything bad gonna happen in the world in one hour? (LOL)
    HAHAHAHAHA plus skype, and plus PM's o_O .. we're soooooooo like.. besties now !! hahaha :p .. and xfactor?:O when did it start up? LOL

    and you sure you wont judge me ? Imma upload a pic of the cat now :)

    and yea, i thought danny was perfect :p
    Oh, if you get pictures from Facebook and stuff send them. Ask her if she like narnia too :p
    Yeah, Reagan will be made. But do tell her, don't go behind her back.
    I'll try. I want to go to a youth group with my friend, but I can't find time. She prodostant too. But the class sounds fun. My brother and I will like it. It's navy too:D
    I have the BEST history teacher ever. He's so awesome! He swings a golf club around in class.

    Today in tech I cleaned lights with rubbing alcohol. Now I feel a bit dizzy. And I have to study for an English and History test, yay!
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