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  • Thanks. :D
    It's the best thing ever! We have so much fun. I'm in the Tech department, so stage lighting, costumes, etc. I really, really like it.

    Oh wow, I had no idea. I was going most of the summer, on vacation and stuff like that. I miss her a lot. I hope she's comes back soon.
    That is exactly how I feel! I hope everything goes ok with the kid!

    Yeah. The only reason we would have to move would be if my dad can not find a job here. So, I am hoping that he does! Haha! We actually have a very interesting style of house. It is kind flip flopped. If that makes any sense.
    HAHA we totally should ! :D

    and funnel cake ?? LOL

    Why do u hate them ? maybe im gay ;) or bi :O

    And yeah, omg....... thats a little werid? like.. u think they could respect your privacy eh
    I don't know, I've been there! I'm excited anyway.

    The Season started last week, but each week is just like a premiere. We only have four more episodes before it takes a break until December.

    I'm sorry about the lesson. I've been there. I've stopped piano, sadly. My busy schedule is too much. I have to say 2 hours after school for my arts program I'm in. and all the homework I have. I had two test today(I got an A on one of them:D) and one yesterday. I know already that I have 2 more next week.
    Hey, do you know how to connect to Reagan. I've been emailing her, but no response.
    It has, how are you? I'm great. Tonight I'm going to a trampoline gym with my friend. Doctor Who is tomorrow too. :D
    These reason may sound really stupid! But one, I hate answering questions in a class. So sometimes I think people see me as stupid. Cause I never raise my hand. And two, someone who I think hates me is might be doing the class. :p So, just little petty problems.

    No! I did not mean that it's boring or anything. It's just that I am sick of moving! House are very interesting. I just hate moving. It is really nice. Not to brag or anything! Umm.... No :p
    hahaha u go to college with me ? :D

    and i hope its good !: D Im sure it will be .. and u must hate gays
    hahaha, Yeah, nothing wrong with it... love is love, god made you gayy ;) !

    and i dont like to party.. XD I might go to one or two, but ya know..

    and YES !! PLEASE !!! CAN I ?
    Ahh... I am to. But it it takes awhile with me.

    Well, In a sense. I am only taking one class. And I took three last year. So it really not that big of a deal. Just a a couple of reasons I am nervous.

    Yes it is! Haha! Anything house realated kind of turns me away! Well, the room is pretty big (it was the master bedroom) and had two closets. Both small walk in's. So I am taking And those are in one wall and are separated by a built in dresser and mirror. Just opposite that wall are my desk and a key bored. And on the right side, is my vanity and bed. And on the wall just opposite that are my moms bookshelves. Hope that give you an idea!

    hahahaha :p

    and hopefully :D !!!!! I am, but imma get a sci degree first..

    and im sooooo jealous... tell me how to make it!??

    hahahaha ya welcome patrick ;)
    Oh good! Really? Cool! Well that's good! Ahh.. Socializing. It's always good to do that.

    a little. Kinda nervous for the co-op. Even though I did it last year. Well, we only had two bedrooms in our house when we first moved in. So I had a room fashioned with dressers for walls. While my dad worked on a new room. And he just finished it. So I got to move in! thanks! It was. But all the kids on it have been doing it since they were four. so, I am a little slower. And I always get really embarrassed by that. Cool!
    ahhh! School! You do soccer? you do youth group?

    Well, I have been getting ready for school (since I have not started yet. I start on Tuesday.) I ummm... Oh! I got to move into my new bedroom! Yay! And also, Not much else. But I think school will go really well. Maybe. I hope. And I may start swim team up again.
    he likes penis... D: .. but hes awesome!!!

    I. LOVE. CHEESE. CAKE. .........

    LOL.. just be ur self and dont care wat people think, if they dont like an amazing person like ur self.. well.. **** em
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