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  • Imma jump the fence XD LOL
    I know.. i am content, but i still wish it never ended you know? I mean like, he was bipolar and had aspergers and a bunch of other stuff, got mad, but i loved him .. lol.. he meant alot to me.. but oh well eh?

    and whaats exciting !! Im confused... hahaha

    and i want my thoughts to come out, i just get judged by to many people to ever let whatim really thinking slipp out . but oh well !
    My bros in grade 10, and we consider that a freshman.... even tho out school isnt big enough to give a darn about senior, freshman softmore WHATEVER.. lol..

    It is AMAZING having multipal animals in the house, my cat went to the vet, turns out to be a boy o_O ... i even thought HE was a SHE .. LOL !!!! she has no flees, nothing in her blood that says she has a diease or is sick.. and i keep saying SHE when it is a HE ! argh.. lol
    HAHAHAHA !! "Jumped the fence??" Whats that mean? I jumped the flipping wall of china..

    sorry i said that ... >_< !!!! I dont wanna end out friend ship, you're my fave person to talk to.. and i know i dont put EFFORT in.. but i try when im upset and happy .. lol.. XD

    and yeah, i mean i know danny shouldnt be dating somebody your age, which kinda makes it harder cuz he left me for a child.... =/ but its not as hard :p he doesnt want me to be hurt, or do anything wrong, its just that like... he never talks to me.. and he still gets mad at me ? :S like.. if i do something he doesnt like .. He gets all "If u do this again blah blah blah" and im like.. ARGH YUP!
    I so understand that, I feel like I haven't had a massive change in ages so it's nice in a way:)
    Just the one sister hahaa - 18:) she's moving out next saturday officially now hahaa
    I know and then it doesn't help with people encouraging you to decide things if you get me? Like we had an assembly at school saying how by the summer we should have a basic life plan set out for ourselves I was just like whaaat!?

    Oh yeah you're starting a youth group was it? Or another church group? I remember you saying something like that:p
    awww thanks, buddies :) you are both sweet. :)

    No! haha "Rule number 2: Use only English". It is an English immersion program. So, we try to get kids to only practice their English.

    Go ahead. :)
    I hope you do well in it, I'm sure you'll have tons of fun.

    I'm glad you made some friends. I know how you feel. When I moved to California I didn't know anybody.
    Oh, a girl you like? Is she cute? Should Reagan know about this?!(I'm just teasing you know)
    Youth Group sounds like fun! I don't get to do any of that in our program.
    On my mind? I have two test on Thursday. One on History, which is going to be easy for me. My brother and I love history. The other one is English vocab. I REALLY need to study for that. Thankfully I got a 93 on my Science test and a 95 on my math test recently, so I am pretty happy.

    I start confirmation classes on Sunday. I'm pretty happy with it because I know almost everyone in the class, and it's only one year. The down side is that I have to go for two hours every Sunday, which is a pain.
    That's about it, nothing much going on really.
    OOOH !!! And I forgot to add this ;;

    How is school going? mines pretty good, hate my bio teacher.. well.. not hate, but he has a lisp and is as dumb as they comes... oh my.... im stuck with him for the year. That means alot of visits to the principal for tutoring ;D(I have a hot principal btw <33 )

    but yeah... what course are you doing 1st? I think thats how u do it.. right?? ... course 1 then course 2 ??? Im not sure ! so tell me please !! :D !!!! Excited to hear back.. yes im in a reallygood mood :p !!! hehehehe

    OH and the cat goes to the vet tomorrow.. her name is lucky !
    Sorry... I miss you know when u dont reply :( !! Im making friends with a guy on my online class :D hes really cute and has amazing eyes !!!

    and guess what !!! I think im finally over danny... well getting better... theres this show, supernatural.. i havent watched it sice we broke up.. but im finally watching it.. i feel really good about my self tonight :) !! I hope that youth thing went fine !! I wanna know all about it and everything else thats going on !!!

    And my cat is really adapting to her new home :) ! She doesnt mind the dog now, and shes almost littered trained. My bro hates it when i touch her... but he wont put her in her litter, doesnt feed her ... only treats .... and its like UGH !! we couldnt find her earlier, and my bro sat down and made me and mom look for it... so i took her in the room with me and he got mad and said GIVE ME MY CAT !! lol !
    Ahhh... I'm sure you will be able to.

    Thanks! Yes I do. It is really nice and comfortable!

    I just started school today! and for some reason I was glad I did! :p
    Volleyball sounds fun! I've wanted to try a bit more(more than PE stuff) but I never got a around to it. Band is really fun, I wish I could still do it.

    Oh, tell me about youth group!

    The Tech thing goes for two hours after school, so I don't have time for other things. I already I had to quit piano and ballet. But tech is awesome, and we get to have shows and stuff like that.

    a retreat sounds fun, tell me all about it when it happens.
    nice. And I would like to think that I would be one of them. Bit may not come across as it cause I am shy at first! Arghhh! And I totally understand what you mean!

    Well...... My dad does not have a job right now and is looking. But before, he had a job as shop manager for a radio store. So, he is looking. So that is another reason I am really scared we will have to move. Yes! Thats exactly what I mean! but it's a really nice house.
    I told you to be your self god **** it !!!!!!! -_- how hard is that for u to understand? I told you like 5 times and if u r wondering, yeah i am pissed
    LOL.. well... I wanna tell u in chat >_< ! and the cats a stray... and like yeah :p

    im watching narnia today
    Nice! Maybe. It would be really cool to be on a show like Doctor Who or something. Broadway would be amazing too.

    I went to Alabama to see my friends. They were living in Belgium for a few years(Navy stuff) and they finally came back to the US. I also went to see my friends(also Navy) in DC. We went to tons of museums and stuff like that. I also went to Minnesota to see my grandparents. What did you do?
    It's not really sad, I'm quite excited:D I like having a change:p
    How many siblings do you have? You've probably told me before but I've got a feeling I've forgotten, I know you have at least one little brother:)
    Ugh don't talk to me about being an adult:p It's an upsetting topic haha just forget about it and enjoy being a teenager, go to your friends houses, invite people around, have a laugh and all that:p
    sorry it took so long.. :p here is the pic. Have fun. :)
    Oh, sorry... I have been so busy... No, I don't have time to right now... The semester just started up and I got promoted to Head Teacher so I have a lot of catching up to do with school... :(
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