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  • Haha okay. So.. Yesterday, me and mom wrote a note. It said. I am simple tom. I like in nowhere vill, by farm ville, south east of city ville . Blah blah and all these facebook games.. And i put it in a tree with mu email on it xD
    Yeah I could, that would be an utterly boring job though:L Hahaa:p
    WOOOOO!:D that sounds a rubbish rule, whats the point in them winning because you can score goals?:L
    I love Assassains Creed Brotherhood:L I shouldn't but I do, I like racing games+stuff:D I find them all hilarious, but I can never get the hang of gun ones:/
    Erm, so far I've done homework and tried to clear out old revision guides. They're all from when I was younger but according to my sister I'll need them-.- They just take up so much room:L you?
    Ohh I get what you were doing:) Yeah I do:D +maths probably, but that's only because I'm good at it:/ I like most of my lessons really (exept science+sociology) but I sometimes just dislike the teachers too much to enjoy them:L My french teacher's now left, which I'm extreamly gutted about-.-

    Oooh hope you won:D that's quite a range of stuff, I cant play any musical instruments which I'm quite sad about. But I wouldn't be able to get the hang of it haha:L I can fully understand the video games:) I get quite obsessed with them if I find a good one:p
    Hahaha :) i dont like doing most of the time... When i was ur age tho... All i did was help mom
    I feel like I understand pretty much everyone on TDL quite well, even the ones I've never personally talked to. See, my favorite thing about books and movies and so on is always characters. I love different kinds of characters and seeing them develop and figuring out why they make the decisions they do. Because I developed that love so much I think it has helped me with figuring out people more easily. It's even easier to do online where people try to explain right off what they are like, what they like and don't like, so you already have a basic knowledge of them before you even start getting to know them.
    Goodnight, I should be going as well, I miss the curfew already. :rolleyes:

    It's all just your personality, we're still getting used to it. ;)
    I'm often too free to give it so I've been trying to hold it in a lot of times because I usually just regret being blunt. Are you familiar with the Relient K song "Bite My Tongue"? :rolleyes:
    Just judging from your comments, I'm pretty sure it's your style. ;) I'm exactly the same way, quite physically CANNOT tell a lie or even stretch the truth but just saying the things you like and leaving out the things you don't like isn't stretching the truth, it's being tactful. Which is a difficult trait to learn with our personality, believe me. :rolleyes:

    It's fine, I know it's just you and the way you do things but I decided I'd finally bother to say something about it. XD
    Wellllll specific examples would be the fact that probably only about 30% tops of what you say about my graphics is good. XD Actually I may be the only one really bothered by it for all I know. ;) I know, I've been making graphics for over five years now so I should really be more confident about it and not take criticism so personally but I've noticed that about myself, the things I care about the most, that I try at the hardest, those are the things I'm most self-conscious about and so I take criticism very seriously and very much to heart even if I act like I laugh it off. :rolleyes:
    Just my opinion and in all honesty it's not my business at all but I thought I'd just give you that bit of advice because learning how to see and express the best in people is a good way to make friends. Once you know them better you can be more honest in the way you critique them without hurting their feelings.
    You are an opinionated person like me. You have very strong opinions, like me. ;) I've noticed this the most in the graphics threads especially the rating threads.

    Well, the problem is that the way you go about expressing your opinions does more often than you might think actually hurt people's feelings. I know, this isn't a reason to stop expressing your opinions BUT sometimes (when people are just learning how to make graphics or when someone's style is obviously so opposite of what you usually like) it's a good practice to point out what you do like about their work rather than just flat out saying that it's not well made or just saying "It's not my style" and leaving it at that.
    *Pokes* Hey, Hyper. I'm about to ask you something that I wouldn't ask you if I didn't think you were oddly mature for your age and thus wouldn't take it wrong.

    Would you mind just one bit of constructive criticism from me about a random topic which I thought you might appreciate? O: ) ;)
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