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  • Yay! I'm happy too ;)

    I'm good, I studied already for tomorrow's Bible Quiz meet and I know better than to over-study so now I just need to actually sleep since I have to get up at 6 in the morning :rolleyes:
    hello lady of peace, how are you doing? i'm good, ohh that's a bummer that you're sick but that's cool that you got a day off, i kind of had a day off today too, :) have the best week ever
    I was working more on it, I realized I should probably name the characters so I don't have to leave lines saying "insert name here" all over the place :p

    :D :p
    Me too, it is the all-powerful google after all :D

    I'm working on another story right now but I'm determined to not start posting it until it's done ;)
    There are some engines like goodsearch that are probably better about that but they don't have as many pictures

    I feel like writing another story with lots of characters just so I can explore the anime possibilities ;)
    It was also a little annoying at times, google images and all :rolleyes:

    Yeah, there are some really pretty pics, I wanted to steal a lot of them for my part of the banner ;) :p
    Yeah, that's why I hadn't read it already. I had tried one of Thegirls' stories before and got hopelessly lost.:p
    Oh, good.:)
    I read it after you asked. (Though by the end I was having trouble remembering the characters so I'll probably have to review it.:p) I haven't looked at the character list though; I'll go do that.:)
    Oh, and as to my personality, I'm usually pretty cheerful.:D
    hello lady of peace, how are you doing? i'm good :) how''s your week been? worked From Tuesday to Sat this week 2 days off, have a good week
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