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  • I see. You kinda have to if someone gave it to you. ;) I'm not really reading anything at the moment either . . .
    Have you ever read The Thief by Magen Whalen Turner? It's good, but not exactly one of my favorite (considering what it's up against, that's no surprise). The Queen of Attolia and The King of Attolia however (the later two in the series) are great! I really really liked them. If you ever get around to it, I highly suggest reading them.
    Um, let's see, I like to read, and write when I have a good idea, and sing, and ride horses.
    I'm generally introverted but if I'm good friends with someone or am talking about one of my favorite subjects I can go on and on, I unfortunately have a hard time being random.
    That's all I can think of right now. Feel free to change any of it if it won't fit.
    "7 habits of highly efective teens"? I usually stick to novels. :p
    How are the books? Like them so far?
    Liz keeps track of dates like that, her and Machia were baptized on the same day, and I think that might have been the same day he first asked her to court him. and she met me at a Superbowl Sunday party a few years ago so we always celebrate that on Superbowl Sunday, it's fun ;)
    I bet she did when she was younger but she's pretty good at tricks herself ;)

    That's awesome! That was an amazing day then :p
    I know someone who was born on April Fools Day :D

    Your birthday will be Easter Week then this year, fun :p (I just realized, that means Maunday (sp?) Thursday is on April Fools Day this year, odd)
    Thanks Ally! *hugs*

    I know at least ten other people who have birthdays in January, it's insane
    Nothing much going on either... Currently reading some interesting books... But that's about it.
    oh. and i'm in pain right now. got braces this morning and i'm feeling the pull of the wire now. but my daddy bought rainbow serbet ice cream. ^_^ so it's bearable.
    haha that's cool. :D for me, it depends on when and where. because if they have a show by my home, but it's while i'm at school, that's no good. and vice versa. i went in November because they were close to my school when i was there. lol and IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!!! *dies*
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