I see. You kinda have to if someone gave it to you.
I'm not really reading anything at the moment either . . .
Have you ever read The Thief by Magen Whalen Turner? It's good, but not exactly one of my favorite (considering what it's up against, that's no surprise). The Queen of Attolia and The King of Attolia however (the later two in the series) are great! I really really liked them. If you ever get around to it, I highly suggest reading them.

Have you ever read The Thief by Magen Whalen Turner? It's good, but not exactly one of my favorite (considering what it's up against, that's no surprise). The Queen of Attolia and The King of Attolia however (the later two in the series) are great! I really really liked them. If you ever get around to it, I highly suggest reading them.