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  • :D So do I, but sometimes it's hard for me to get through the little things that come with them. :p
    Nah,not boring at all.
    Digging into the family stuff is one of my hobbies though.So far i know i'm Dutch,German,Austrian,French,English,Irish,Scottish,Norwegian,Finnish and i think a little bit Swedish.Long list.:rolleyes:
    We have some "famous" people in our family-although i was quite surprised when i found out i have William Tell and Pocahontas as two of my ancestors!:eek:
    I wanna go to Ireland too!It sounds like such a interesting country(CT is only a small reason.I'm not obsessed with them or anything:p).England and Scotland would also be awesome.I wanna visit all the countries our traceable ancestors come from-thats 8 or 9 countries!:eek:
    We can trace our family to the times of William the Conquerer...even farther if we really want to.Family history is cool.:D
    Law school? Sounds fun. :D
    I'm aiming for my Masters in Secondary Education, my doctors in Creative Lit, a degree in Harry Potter ((yes there is a school where you can major in Harry Potter :p)), a masters in English, and a masters in Mathematics.
    I don't know why I want all those degrees, but I do. :D
    Same here. With going to college it's 6, and when you add in getting a Masters and all the other degrees I want to get in the future it's some where near 12. :p
    But then again I'm just insane. x3
    No kidding!Europe is mostly awesome.
    Italy is mind-blowing when it comes to attractions and the general lifestyle-its seriously amazing. \m/O.O\m/
    The rest of Europe is also amazing...althogh there are some places i seriously don't like.:rolleyes:
    I've still got two years left to go, well technically 6+ but right now I'm looking at it as though I've only got 2.
    No,i don't mind.;)
    I live in Poland-at least right now.My parents are from different countries(mom-Poland,Dad-U.S.A.),and my family's been hopping back and forth between those two countries,and Germany.
    Its fun,but sometimes veeery tiring.:p
    But i miss the U.S. so much!Even though i will always be something of an outcast-never fitting in either place-i love the States.:)Same as Poland. <3
    I take it you're also from the U.S.?
    :p I do the same thing, but when ever I get on I tend to find no one else on. :p
    I must have bad luck or something. x3
    That's understood.
    Normally when I'm lonely I hang out with my brother, but now that he's got two jobs and an intership, I'm home alone alot more often.
    Lucky you!I only have the first series-if i want the rest it's gonna take a loooong time to get them over from the U.S. or England, not to mention it costs a lot just for the stupid shipping....:rolleyes:
    Oh well.There's a few other things i'm hoping to buy from overseas.:)
    But hey-i can dream?
    YUP!Just finished the first cycle.Firestar,Cinderpelt and Bluestar(until she went crazy) are my favorites.Along with a few others,like Yellowfang.
    Bone gave my siblings nightmares.:eek:
    And no,you do not get crazy when excited.You wanna see crazy,check some of my earlier posts on me and Mewsie's Never-Ending-Completely-Senseless-Battle in the Wedding Reception,TDL Party etc.Thats crazy.And lethal.:p
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