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  • hello lady of peace, how are you doing? i'm good :) that's great that you had a good revival meeting, yes we had a good mid week service last night, i have a day off today tomarrow have another day off, have a good week
    hello lady of peace, how are you doing? ohh wowww a revival meeting at church cool :) we're attending mid week service tonight, i just got off work :) have a good week
    hello lady of peace, how are you doing? i'm good :) how's your week been? mine's good, have a day off today :) have the best week ever
    yes you should, because I made you a birthday banner :p ;) :D

    Haha, yeah, back then I was afraid of everything. :p
    Niether am I, I'm not flexible really at all. Wow, we sound alot alike, lol :D
    yeah...ill find somthing soon. it is a little tough with the way the immigration laws are here though....allowing more people to come into the coutry, too many people working for less money and buying up all our small business and hiring their own people, but im sure it will come good soon......glad to have the weekend here though....glad to relax a bit... been a busy week for me......lots of job searching, gym, and doing some work with a friend ( giving them a hand).....anyways..gotta go, got a bit of stuff to do, catch ya round
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