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  • hello benisse, how are you doing? yep i like my new home in Eastern OR, love it :) there is alot more to do here includeing the fact that we live near another state & near to a big city :) no supoorts up here except one, i don't know if i will sign up with them or not, is your church having a Harvest party?? God bless
    hello benisse, how are you doing? i'm good :) sorry i wasn't there for the other game tihread :) i have been busy with other things in my life :) i will check it out :)
    Thank you for caring about my health. You may not have heard, but when I had my angiogram, the probe could not find ANYTHING threatening to my life. Huzzah!
    I'll have that sonnet written, God willing, within the next 48 hours. In return, I'll ask you to help me get people to notice it, since interest in my sonnets has faded overall.
    Sorry if I was out of turn but I forgot to tell POTW he was right, I don't see how the question of how many things did Jadis hit with the bar was out of order as it is in the book.
    Wow, sorry late reply! Yes, I just started my second year with my multiage class. It is going well so far. :) Haven't really had internet access but got that all fixed yesterday evening! Yay! Thanks for the prayers. It helps. We have some new members in our teaching team. So, we are trying to help them adjust. How have you been? :)
    Wow, sorry late reply! Yes, I just started my second year with my multiage class. It is going well so far. :) Haven't really had internet access but got that all fixed yesterday evening! Yay! Thanks for the prayers. It helps. We have some new members in our teaching team. So, we are trying to help them adjust. How have you been? :)
    I'll see what I can do, Benisse. Problem is, I've been elected Chief Commissioner in one of the world's largest Boy Scouting movements and I'm getting ready for National Convention.
    Thanks so much for the invitation, but I'm afraid I'll not be able to help out. See, I'm leaving for vacation on Sunday, and I'll be back well after the due date. So I'd love to help out, but I can't. I hope all goes well, though! It's a very cool idea!
    hello benisse, how are you doing? yep the move is going well & we have been here in Eastern OR for about 3 months now, the people are very friendly here well not all of them but most are :)
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