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  • Haha I think that it's cool that your daughter and you are learning ASL! I would like to someday... Oh the many things that I wish I was talented in! haha

    Well, he is in Cali finishing his student teaching. I am here having an extended visit with my family. Might stay here for a while. He isn't finished until May-ish. I guess I need to try and pass my CBEST so that I can substitute... I really don't like tests - not that good at them. lol

    Well, we ended up homing him with a military family that had moved to Seoul. They had another dog and were really qualified to take him. They seem to be enjoying him.
    hello benisse, how are you doing? :) Happy New Year to you too, thank you for asking about that :) no my parents haven't sold our property in southern OR yet they really need the sale of the property :( please pray for that :) how is everything going for you
    Wow. At first I was all 'NOOOO!' and then when I read his reasoning I was like 'Yeah, the poor guy needs a break!' Thanks for showing me this! It would have come as a nasty shock for the new year. But, eh, it's only 5 weeks and it will make it all the more exciting when they resume it!!
    He's adorable!! He so suits Harriet to a T ! wow Knightley sure gave it to her there- well played! I wonder how he'll deliver that 'badly done' line later on... wow this series just gets better and better!!
    hello benisse, how are you doing? sorry this took so long, i'm glad your thing with the rubbings at the museam went well with the kids last October, it's too bad one of them had a sensetivity, can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving already, :) Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family :) enjoy it :)
    haha, thx- got it from the facebook page. i could probably make one myself but theirs are so much cooler :D i'm beginning to really love Knightley now! it's so cute when he teases her- they have screen rapport! ....*dizzy fangirl moment*
    Hi, Benisse just to say that if Jadis was on the list I would have picked her. I picked Digory as he later became a Proffesor and uses a lot of logic in his thinking, in Magician's nephew he used logic to to ring the bell, he was not under a spell to do so but he used logic to deduce that he would forever be under one if he did not, part of Jadis' plan don't ring the bell and go mad wondering what would of happened or ring it and awaken her, very skillful of her don't you think.
    hello benisse, sorry it took so long :) ohh i'm sure that will be fun for the kids & adults to do brass rubbings :) how is your bible study group going? any good chapters you are studying? God bless you :)
    I think she's great at acting the part- although Gwyneth Paltrow was always my favourite... the only thing is that i find Knightley to be a bit wooden and unexpressive but i'm sure he'll perk up as the series goes on. Great screen rapport between them though! I love the way she's more open and playful when he's in the room and less like the 'Emma Approved' acievement award greatness girl! What do you think?
    Yeah! I was sooo close to buying that one too when i saw it!! It's super cheap too innit? good on ya! can't wait till the third episode's out today!! twill be 7pm my time :) but seeing as you use dollars, it will be morning for you then?
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