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  • On my birthday, I was in the Chicago area with family members. I did enjoy my mother's loving company, but there was no specific celebration of my birthday as such. This, in part, because the chronic (and still hard to define) illness of my unfortunate sister Randi was casting its shadow on the merriment.
    The writing contest was fun, you're welcome. Thanks for the compliment about my letter. :)
    Thank you for your very kind and thoughtful message. My sister came up to help me put up the Christmas Tree and it made my first hanging of the greens without Mum a lot less traumatic.
    As I've said someplace, all of the existing text of "Lion's Share" happens before ANY of "Southward" happens. Tim intended his lion characters eventually to explore the land that would become Telmar; by that point, his narrative would have caught up with mine. Some back-and-forth flying by Gryphons, shown in MY story, was supposed to be a crossover with Tim's.
    I've deactivated my Facebook account, but I thought I'd give you a job update. I didn't choose to pursue the job a few weeks ago, but I'm still in the process of finding another job. My bosses have chosen to ignore the concerns I brought up a couple of weeks ago with them so I've decided to try to find something else.
    I just noticed the title underneath your's probably not very new at this point, but it's neat. Three cheers for the green people.
    hello benisse, how are you doing? ok how do i judge this contest? do i just look at all the entries & pick one at random or do i just pick first place, 2nd place or 3rd place? i've never really been a judge at a contest before :) yep everything is going well here, God bless you & your family :)
    hello benisse, how are you doing? what day does the contest begin, i haven't been on quite some time, let me know & i';; consider it :)
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