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  • Thanks for mentioning the contest. Sadly, I am the only person I know who reads the Narnia books, I mean besides people on this forum. Some people have heard of it but never read it. I've heard a lot of people tell me they avoid the popular book series, such as Narnia, Twilight, The Hunger Games, etc.
    I already know which non-TDL-members I'll approach for those interviews. And it was the _third_ anniversary for Carol and me.
    Thank you for keeping the "Tigers" thread visible! So you're only now going to read it? I strongly urge that FIRST you do what I recently suggested ON the thread: use the link I provide to read the existing portion of Tim's related story, because Tim's work will add meaning to mine.
    hello benisse, how are you doing? thank you so much for saying that, we miss honey very much :( last week was a rough week, thank you for your prayers :)
    Well, my sister Ricki, the one who was all career and never got married, has undeniably done well for herself monetarily. She's on a South American vacation right now. My sister Randi, who is a real sweetheart, continues to suffer multiple bodily ailments which she no more did anything to deserve than Job did. And my sister Tammy is tireless in pursuing interests like practicing courtly dancing.
    My favorite genres are shoujo, historical, and fantasy. And My favorite manga and anime series is Black Butler.
    My gout attack is finally, _finally_ subsiding. My mother, though almost ninety, still is quite ambulatory. My sister Randi is in an epic struggle against various mysterious pains and allergies. Thank you for asking.
    Happy New Year to you as well, Benisse! Yes, all is well. :) Ah, yes... I wrote that cuz I thought it was funny... hmmm...
    Yesh, I shall see what I can do about this. I shall put a reminder in my phone perhaps, because now is not the most opportune moment... XD
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