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  • Hey darling Linda! Next week my mom will be taken to a nursing home. She can't stay alone anymore. Yesterday I visited her and came right in time. She left the burners on her stove on and the electric oven was turned on (full heat) with nothing in it! And the gas escaped from the burners on her stove. My mom smokes heavily and if she would have smoked a sigarette........:eek: I smelt the gas when I entered the door. My mom will be going to live 5 minutes away from me and I can pick her up everyday as much as I want to. The geriatric gave the advice my mom should be taken to a nursing home because she is going backwards fast.
    How is your mom doing? I'm glad you still had a nice Christmas. We both don't know how long our moms will be with us. It's a very mean disease Alzheimer.

    Hugs to you!
    :) You're welcome! You seem nice, so I thought I would add you.

    I'm glad you liked them. I just thought they were intriguing enough to share. :p

    Same to you! May your 2009 be blessèd. :D
    hello benisse, how are you doing? have fun at the women's retreat :) have the best time ever :) i've been to a couple of those
    The "Share A Pic!" thread is part of the "Brush of Unicorn" section. In it, Post # 767 contains the shots of Amy and me.
    Ah, I see you already spotted it!

    Did you see, I think in the 700's, the post by Lady Callandra in "Share A Pic" which immortalizes her and me together at her church?
    The geriatric discovered my mom's situation was a bit more worse than expected. She already passed the first stadium of the disease. During Christmas my mom wasn't doing well. She felt restless and wanted to leave early but today she stayed with me the whole time without complaining and even felt comfortable. I was happy she even remembered the whole conversation we had last week. I will keep you updated about teh situation.
    I'm glad your mom is doing so well. It is wonderful to see she is able to do things herself and I hope she will be with you for a long time.

    I also want to wish you a bright and blessed 2009 dear Linda!!!
    I have a Writing Club thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House." I have written, I think, SEVEN sonnets to MGG-Took.
    Yes, she will be taken to the geriatric. My mom is causing a lot of trouble at daycare. My sister and I had a couple of talks with the nurses lately and they think not all is caused by Alzheimers. My mom is *unfortunately* a smoker and she is always used to make her own sigarettes with those tubes but now she forgets her tubes are empty and she almost burned herself.
    Thanks a lot darling! And how's your mom doing?

    Hugs and blessings,
    What a beautiful prayer you wrote in the prayer request about the 4-whelling accident. I ust wanted to let you know I was blessed. Appropriate considering your name, Benisse!
    Hi Vanessa,
    Today was rough. My mom was not brushing her teeth at all when she was living by herself, and as a consequence her teeth are decaying and breaking off. Her dentist said that this is common among people with dementia, but it is still sad to see her with a toothache, especially since she hadn't had to lose any teeth since February. So we took her to the dentist today and sure enough another needs to be pulled and another has broken off just above the root, though it does not hurt her yet. So we set up an appointment with the oral surgeon, but she threw a fit and refused to go. Poor thing she is so afraid that she won't be able to chew if the dentist extracts another tooth... God is teaching me to use a soft/tender voice when talking to my mom (and to my kids). So outwardly I was calm but inwardly I was really stressed. Thanks for listening...
    Blessings, Linda
    Hello Linda! You're welcome! How are things going with your mom? It helps to know someone else experience the same. Me and my sister had to sent some papers in which we explained the situation. Yesterday we received the news our mom is going to get help and will get full support. I'm doing some brain training with my mom on a children's computer. It helps a bit. Not that much but still a bit.

    You are welcome and I'm glad to have you as a friend :)
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