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  • I'm glad the gross exam went well! I still hope all the other results will be good as well. Today I had a meeting with the people from the nursing home and my mom is making good progress. She had troubles with another lady but now they are friends. They hug each other etc. I'm glad things are going better. My mom fee;ls more and more comfortable and gives signs when she doesn't feel well. She still has some things but in general things are going well. Today I taped her again at my home and have another part on camera which will be valuable.
    I so hope you will brring back good news. I continue to pray and keep my fingers crossed
    Maybe I will add subtitles and post the part of my mom! It's dutch though.
    You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers Linda! I hope everything will be fine with your mom. My mom needs to see the doctor this May because she needs to be checked every 6 months. She survived breastcancer and is healing so well.
    That's so awesome!! I bought a video camera and taped my mom. It will always be a happy memory whenever the time comes she won't be there anymore. I also took her to the beach a little while ago. She enjoyed being outside for a while. I'm going to pick her up again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I will have a meeting with the staff of the nursing home this thursday afternoon. They are doing this every 6 months to keep the family updated about the progress.
    An old friend of mine who lives in Kentucky also contacted me again after many years. She remembered my mom sending her seeds and now the seeds are growing into beautiful flowers!
    Your stories about your mom always cheer me up! I love them Linda
    hello beniise, how are you doing? i'm good, well i think we got the problems fixed, we don't know for sure yet :) how's your week been? mine's been ok :)
    At this moment I am eating fish and baked potatoes, after a long day of caring for our 10 wee folk at daycare. Even at 56 I am still learning to eat when I am hungry, drink when I am thirsty and sleep when I am tired.
    I think that is where God has me; to pay attention to the basics and wait on Him.
    I shall have to look up that book you mentioned...and lovely to hear from you!
    Thank you, sweetie. I have done a bunch of dumb things in my day, and I've learned a bunch of hard lessons ... I really don't want anyone else to have to learn the same way I did. Plus, I love you my TDL girls so much. :) Blessings!
    hello benisse, how are you doing? i think by Monday i should be back on the forums, if not by next week sometime, that's great that you saw friends, i have a friend in real life that i need to call too, have the best week ever :)
    hello benisse, how are you doing? thank you for welcomeing me back but my break has to be extended due to PC problems so i might be posting on the forums by Monday, how was your week?
    Yes ESW=EveningStar Writer. That was his name in Second Life when I met him. Part of the reason is was intrigued to talk with him in the first place; sounded so poetic. Boy, was I ever right!
    Wow, that is SO nice! I just read your post to me to ESW and we are both so pleased that you wrote me. He said "She's a wonderful person."
    I will look up some of your posts and enjoy getting to know you better.
    Hey dear! I received your email but because of internet issues I couldn't reply. I have to switch laptops soon because this one is making a mess out of everything!
    Today I had a conversation with the doctor. Mom is not doing great. It is a bit weird because when I'm with her I don't have the impression it's already that far but of course I lived with her all those years. This weekend my second brother will visit her again. The first time she saw him again was two weeks ago. I arranged it for him to come and see her. Michel and mom hadn't seen each other since 1994..... My mom recognized him immidiatly but didn't know if he was her brother or my dad. But then she knew it was her son. She hugged him. I'm glad they met in the end.
    I'm so glad you are able to spend much time with your mom!! You are doing everything you can to keep her active. I wish my mom was more active but she never was. And your mom praying must be a very awesome prayer. It's motivating to hear she is still doing well enough to stay with you. They ask a lot of time. I took my mom out last Saturday. She walked with me and was a bit tired after a while which is understandable.

    So, even though my internet messes up I am able to send you a message on here!!!
    Lots of hugs and blessings to you and yours,
    I see your point about Alipang's eloquence; I've thought about the same thing. But he DID have love and guidance in his formative years up to age seven; and I want to show him as a diamond in the rough, never completely broken by the horrors he survived, and brought into his potential by the loving family that came to his rescue.
    If descriptions of physical affection are what bother you, I'm afraid you may NOT want to read "Alipang Havens." It portrays, among other things, an adoptive brother and sister who love each other very much, and are as physically demonstrative of affection as can possibly be kept within the realm of family love.
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