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  • Of course, if Emmett still has his light breath power he got from Narnia, that might make a difference. I just hope Cora doesn't have arachnaphobia.
    Yeah, that sounds good, although I think that she would have to be confined to the darkness of the night, since she didn't like the light that Galadriel gave Frodo.
    Hi copper! Um,I'm attending this Poetry reading this sunday by the United Poets Laureate. heres the link:
    are you in that group? I know how good you are with your sonnets and I didn't know if you were going to be there.
    I'm guessing no,but that would be cool. I'll jot down some of the poems for you!
    That's cool. I didn't know any of that. I can tell you have a talent for writing. I'm going to guess the Snow Queen gave up her immortality when she was redeemed. I like the character of Emmett (it's not every day a cowboy wanders into a fantasy world).
    That's to bad ... I would love to see more Americans about to visit! Mostly because I need to practise my English!

    I think most of the western world got hit pretty bad by the economical issues. Many companies has shut down over here, and many people are without work. Especially Iceland got hit pretty hard. I'm thinking of going to the US in the summer ... Any suggestions to where a first-time visitor should go? I've been thinking south. Always had a heart for the souther-parts, for some reason!
    It might be just as effective for her not to get involved in a romance but to prove her worth in some other way. And I'm glad Emilio is finished (although I'm sure that Melody is even more glad).
    Hey Copperfox! That sounds like a pretty good idea. I have done something similar, although I've made waffles instead of pancakes! It tends to taste much better when done over the fire. I do envy you though, because I havent done it in a long time.
    It's a really good way to save electricity aswell!

    I've been watching the world-championship on skii all day long. The United States havent done bad at all this WC, but there's little support from home! Where are all the Americans here in Oslo?
    *Goes to look up Sir Francis*
    I knew that name was familiar. Boy they're over a century apart! But I guess whatever bring in the $$$, should work :D Plus it's the fun, not the history they want.
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