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  • Well ahoy there! I don't live in Denmark actually, I live in southern Sweden, but the languages are very similar.

    By the way, can you help me with something? I don't know how to put up an avatar.
    Awsome! btw, where are they? I haven't been able to find them....
    btw, today is my B-day!!!
    Hey Joe! Don't know how long I'll stay this time. Just wanted to pop in and ask how things are for you?
    That is very weird. First about the dragon sign and you told me about that and now about you cooking something. I have dreamed more but I forgot about it. Maybe I should try to remember what it was.
    A lot about you like I told you. Have you ever been to Japan or Asia in general Joe? Because one dream showed me you were standing on an Island and it was a sunny day and you were proud because you learned to cook or had a traditional dinner. One of those two
    Filipino is the Philippine language. We have almost a hundred languages here like Tagalog, Waray, Kapampangan, Bisaya etc. etc. Some are from Spanish because we had been a colony of Spain for 333 years. But most of our words came from sanskrit.
    aww! I'm so grateful with your declaration! Thanks!!! :) I'll read it seriously sometime. After I finish Sherlock Holmes. I just figured out that C.S. Lewis loves Sherlock, too.

    And OH! If C.S. Lewis is still here. I know, he'll like your story too ^^
    sopas is the chicken noodle soup famous here in the phil and minudo are pork chunks, liver and potatoes with tomato sauce.both taste good.
    oh great idea. in reality, that restaurant in America will succeed :) I also like vegetable lumpia than shanghai. but my favorites are sopas and minudo
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