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  • I didn't know that you were a writer! I'll be glad to read your stories. :)
    I might have written one or two things a long time ago. I've shown them only to few people, though. I might publish something here one day :)
    The Professor's Writing Club is a great opportunity for those who have so much to say but never get the chance. There are stories that really can touch you :) That's why I like this webpage, it allows people to believe in what they want and be themselves.
    That's great :) Although I'm more into fantasy books. I've always loved reading stuff like Eragon, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter... I've always wanted to write a story like that because the world that can be created and described with a pen and a sheet of paper is often so much brighter than the one we live in. The people could use that kind of inspiration and joy to keep standing their ground and not give up :). I think that books may show us the most precious things in life, for we are often too blind to see them. What kind of literature do you like? :}
    Hello! Thanks for the message.. I'm new here so I didn't know that i should post on your wall or profile or whatever :D I've always wanted to read that type of literature but I've never really had the chance, so I guess I should start pretty soon :} Those kind of stories have always been very interesting to me. :)
    Simple question for you: is it possible to change one's name after one has registered? I am asking, because I want to give myself a more Narnian name.
    OMG!! I have to tell you this Joe!! I dreamed we met and we were on a ship!! You showed me some dragon signs and even showed me how they were made!
    ah i see what you mean. yes of course ill buy the dvd! i want to see the next books put into film. i loved every book.
    ive seen it once so far! i adored it, though. it was so well made, and they really captured eustace haha. but i will say none compare to the lion the witch and the wardrobe.
    thank you!! i think ill be on here a little more. i deleted my facebook so i should have a lot more time on my hands to get back to narnia and all its splendor :) ive missed this place!
    Since you have 1047 pages of visitor messages, mind giving me a little hint where the offending bit of data corruption may be found?
    Hi Joe
    I'm cleaning out my bookshelves and have an extra catalog of Karl Faberge's art pieces, written in Russian. It has lots of colored photos of the pieces the House of Faberge did for the royal family, and you can have it if you like. Just pm me your snail mail and I will send it to you.
    One person confirmed dead today and two missing.

    That is not good. I've told her to go the doctor for a check-up, she said she would, however I don't think she will.
    Oh, very cool! I'll have to check it out. :D And don't worry, I definitely have an appreciation for Narnia Fanfics. I've written plenty of them. Writing an entire novel's worth is quite the accomplishment! How many words is it?
    Thank God it hasn't been as bad as expected. So far, no lives have been taken :). Let's pray it passes fully that way.
    Oh, OK. Thanks, and you're welcome. Some times I don't know what to do about her. I messaged her on Facebook and she replied "just go please"...I don't understand her sometimes.
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