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  • Thank you for your kind words. Was that the topic you wanted me to see or was there another one.
    I think we all have painful things that happen to us, but I won't say mine is any larger than anything that others have experienced. Pain is pain no matter how great or small the offense. I really do want to use what I've been through to help people.
    hello copperfox, howare you doing? how's your week been? for me it's been packed with work, my dad's back is a little bit better but he has to go back to the doctor to see how extensive the damage is, have the best week ever
    That sounds very good!!!! It would be great to see them in Tolkien's world as well as in Narnia ;) And knowing your writing skills it is going to be good.
    Hey copperfox,so my ear is healed, NOW I have a big gash on my knee:( it just HAD to happen today didn't it:(
    That's funny. :p I wish Emily luck.

    I've started school in Warsaw,as you already know. I like it so far. It's very eccentric though. That's partly what makes it fun though. :)
    So far Philosophy and Ethics/World Religeons are my favorite subjects.
    Even most of the kids are really nice. Though I still have a long way to go before coming out of my shell...not that I'm sure I'd want to anyway.
    The saying "You don't stop being a kid until you say so." suddenly doesn't seem so cheesy as it used to. It applies in most situations now. I can't seem to keep up with the other kids my age-they don't say it openly (at least,not yet),but I can see it in thier eyes. They're thinking "Oh she's so childish! Dziecinna! She's weird."
    *sigh* No matter. I can't stop what they think, but I know how to make thier words roll right off of me.
    Going to hopefully lighter topics-how are you lately?

    P.S. Thank you for the earlier compliment. :)
    cool,thanks for the info! anyway susan 2 let me join the group so that good.thats good info to have incase i need to use it later.

    thanks for your help copperfox!
    How hilarious! Glenburne and I are friends outside TDL, so the idea of her being mistaken for a man would never have occurred to me.
    I tried!
    I'm afraid I don't know much about that sort of stuff anyway...I'm only 13. I hope TOJ feels better.
    ive looked round but i cant seem to find the pm function, i know how to pm other users but to create new pm then input thier name im lost on that bit.
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