I just read to the beginning of part 10, Everybody Starts Over.
My favorite scene was the science teacher trying to trap Al. I also liked the early prologue scene when Eric Havens first meets Alipang, and he is moved to tears by the boys hardness and suffering (Like Digory and Aslan).
In your faithfulness to the RPG, though, there are probably more characters than you can really do justice to and keep the focus clearly on your protagonist. I know you simplified the story at points, but still with so much detail the plot line moves rather slowly... till the high school sections begin. And as Spanish Inquisition exclaimed,
No, not MORE hugging. *shudder*
*falls over dead*
Once Al and Chilena are at East High, the plot picks up as the driving force seems to switch to surviving the bullies and the boy-girl relationships developing (the RPG source material continuing to generate the plot I assume). Judging from the comments, you have done an excellent and faithful job bringing the RPG characters to life.
Although a mom to two teenagers, I'm surprisingly not really into-or-up-on hormones, teen drama and the question of when fighting is the best course of action. I guess as a homeschooling marm I lead a rather sheltered life. I wish you had written more from the parents’ point of view so I could have learned from Dr. and Mrs. Havens more. For example since they had misgivings about Alipang’s possible relationship with Chilena early on, did they have further talks either with each other or with their children as to boundaries and affection?