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  • Oh course! Could you keep my brother in your prayer as he tries to find more permanent work? He's on his own and (seems to me) having a rough time of it and trying to support himself.
    Mafia games? I merely comment funny lines to emphasize how dead that thread is. haha.
    it has been a while, a lot has happened and I had some extra time, so I thought I'd come back on here. I had a really great day at church today, I might have found someplace I can actually call home. I love the rat pack, btw, can I join the group?
    Yes, I have. It's interesting. I have been busy keeping up with my story and Dusty's story so I haven't picked it up in a while but I will because I do like it. I gotta catch up on my reading! So much to read so little time!
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good, you're welcome for asking, how's your week been? i just had an interview with a lady who is looking into seeing if i'm elgiable for psyically challenged services here in my area of OR, i might be qualifired i'm not sure, please pray for me i'm also posting this in the prayer forum, have the best week ever
    You're kidding me right? who goes as something technological for a REN FEST?
    Plus my mini van is way too small,I wouldn't fit in my seat:D

    I might go as a princess or something,or perhaps a fairy or maybe an animal of some sort. Like...a fox! hahahahaha...
    well,I haven't been there recently so I can't post. I went there 2 years ago,I'll post something when I go this year. Mine doesn't start till fall.

    Aye,fantasy these days isn't always Christian...seeing vampires are the big thing...yecch.
    I'm not sure what to dress up as this year though,My Caspian costume doesn't fit anymore and I don't want to cut my hair....any ideas?
    Really? Well, maybe they could all meet. Bert could be good for both Dana and Mark.
    Thanks! I'll have to look into that one. It's tricky as in terms of the 20th century alone , I have at least 95 years of history to cover and an hour to do so. Thankfully my professor sets up the leture more as a discussion then a lecture, this way the students can interact with the material more.
    Oh and the one about the teacher. The ren fest fun up there? The one in missouri is pretty cool too,we were only unhappy because it was so cold and we couldn't find our thick coats:p
    Cool! Yes, this summer my best friedn came in from CO, with hsi wife so I hosted them fro a few days, and then it was off to a writers conference lastw eekened. Also I've been doing some research as my old professor back at college invited me to come back and guest lecture in his coruse on Modern Day Mythologies on the topci of comic book superheroes. It is something I know a good deal about, but not everything. Last time I gave it I didn't think I was adequetly prepared enough.
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