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  • hm I wonder what's going on then hopefully it well come it. Oh, my sister is home with her husband safe. She called us to let us know that she home. Now she's going to her honeymoon to paricro(sp)
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good, how was the last weekend of the festival?? sorry i didn't PM you last night i was tired, i wrote about what i did at the fair in the thread, have the best week ever
    Ah okay (about Mexico) Whats the cool thing for him to do? Special task force group against the Pink Shirts =)?
    how did Ben get in this conversation? yes he was just the guniea pig,but I meant I have ANDREW'S phone number. I have a piece about Andrew in one of my Ben fan fics though. I haven't gotten to the really grueling parts yet(like when Andrew starts REALLY messing with PC) but when I post those,I'll give you the link. It might make you laugh
    Awww I see. I'd LOVE you see you two meet in person. Lord would you give him a talking to...wouldn't you?

    I DO have his phone number ya know.....:D
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? how's your week been? yesturday me & mom went to the fair & i rode on rides & ate food & got a prince puppet, have a good week
    I really need to ask you a favor.. I work all week, some pretty crazy hours and when I come home I'm beat. I just pass out. I'd really like to catch up with the story..but I just don't have the time or strength to read the amount of passages I've missed. What's been going on since #750..?
    hee hee. You make me laugh. You're taking a fictional book REALLY REALLY seriously. the upside of it,you're an old man who lives by himself. you don't have someone going "Oh stop getting so worked up,its just a movie!"
    real lucky you are eh.
    Thanks, I am in my late 20s. Still in college. Even in college I can't help loving "the Chronicles of Narnia" movies and books. I don't read for fun much; but those are my books. I have also gotten into reading some Robin Hood books. There is a Stephen Lawhead book series that is good so far even through I am still reading the first of 3 books.

    Thanks for the welcome messsage you left me. I look forward to being apart of the dancing lawn forum
    Hi Copperfox,I haven't talked to you in a long time. I've been really busy lately.Me and my family went to Mall of America last week.I went on my first roller coaster.My birthday is coming up.So that's all I have to say. I'll try to keep in touch.Talk to you later;)
    there is always next year!
    Well, if you have some time read it. it is very well written.
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