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  • hey..copperfox..I guess I'm not gonna be able to read the thread... but I'll find time..our exam is tomorrow and i need to study..
    I've been busy in school...I saw the thread but I haven't read the story yet...but I'm going to.
    they are coming to vist you? Wow! they live near you?
    I am doing some cleaning too. My friends form Japan are comeing for a week. then I have a paino lesson at one.
    hello copperfox, ohh cool music & dance, ohh that's soooo wonderful and fun enjoy it :) the festival sounds so fun :)
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good, oh wonderful that you met a family at the festival that knew you from last year and that the girl spoke russian :) what's the theme for next weekend i hope it will be something fun, please pray for us yesturday dad took my grama to adult foster care yesturday but now he has to go get her because they are ripping her off too :( it's a sad situation we are in :(
    I strongly recommend the books of Joel C. Rosenberg, the first being, The Last Jihad. They are intense political thrillers, with an underlying devoutness to God, and never fails to paint Christianity in a positive light. Most are NY Times best sellers, surprisingly enough. They are written after the 9/11 attacks.
    Right now I'm still thinking about driving unless I find a last minute deal on plane tickets and car rental. I will know for sure on Thursday afternoon.
    hello copperfox, wowwwwwww it was hot there at the festival?? that's a bummer but i'm glad you drank plenty of water, how was the festival this weekend? today's my day off and i'm just going to kick back and relax
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? yep me too, i'm glad you're doing good at the festival, how's the weather been for it? it's sunny here, i'm relaxing this evening then i go to mid week service, have a good weekend
    canoes. We also had a campfire and a skit night. It was really hot! on thursday one of the staff members took out a hose at lunch. I got soak!
    Well, half of the day was all about horses. the other half was for traditional camp fun. We went swimming, rock climbing, boating, hiking.
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