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  • I hope threapy is going well for you! I have been tired this week too!
    I just got back form sleepaway camp.It was a lot of fun!
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good :) yeachh that's true anybody could take your autoharp without you knowing it, i just got off work a few mitutes ago, have a good weekend at the festival
    not really. If it is considered "food" by reasonable cultural standards, any culture, I'll eat it. Don't worry about feeding me. I'll manage.
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? woww love & romance ehhh ohh man if the festival was in Feb that would be a great theme for valentines day, will you be playing your autoharp that weekend? me i'll be working & then Sunday off :) have the best week ever
    heello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good :) wine tasteing woww bummer, but i'm sure the theme for this weekend will be better :) have the best week ever
    Umm . . . I don't know. Cotton, maybe? Definitely not goose feathers.
    BTW, pillows look like this. They're usually woven from bamboo strips, sometimes baked from clay, and I guess wood would be used too. Sometimes there's a little compartment (opens at the side), in which one may store trinkets, letters from a lover, or whatever.
    hello copperfox, yeachhhhhhhhh your blood pressure was low that's wonderful :) how was the music & danceing theme last weekend?? or is that this weekend at the feastival? have a good week :)
    hello copperfox, awwwwwwwwww that's so adorable that the parents let you hold the baby girl at the festival that's wonderful :) how are you doing? i'm good & better then yesturday :)
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good :) ohh wonderful that you got to play your autoharp, i'm glad you're doing well at the festival, tonight me & parents are attendng mid week service, have the best week ever
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good, ohh cool i'm sure they all will be good peformances, did you get to play the autoharp yet?? me today i decorated my cosmetics bags with gems and my new cell phone cover with gems, have the best week ever and a good time at the festival :)
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