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  • Exercise? That would mean work! Oh, my. What a scary thought! Just kidding. I work all the time. I'll get right on it.
    To be perfectly honest, I'm still working on the first one. I have a hard time with novels; short stories are more my thing. (Also, it's more convenient on paper, I feel.)
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good :) woww the theme might be music & dance week?? that would be so cool, how long does the festival continue?? my grama was up today but she's not eating at all :( please pray for her, have the best week ever
    merci !! ;) it's been awhile.. but I had so many things to do, now that im on holiday, I can connect myself. I hope you're doing great. :)
    No, not floor-level beds. They are more like the beds we use nowadays. (Though there probably weren't any bunk-beds.)
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good :) ohh how fun that you got to do that for childern's week :) how cool :) i'm glad that the festival was a fun adventure this week, me i just worked & watched a movie :) have a good week, what's the theme for the festivial this weekend???
    Hey, I'm sorry to even be saying this, but I'm not sure I can keep up with the Alipang story right now. I wish I could, but so much is going on. And when I'm not doing something, reading is usually the last thing I want to do. I've never liked reading, and now if I do read a book I have to really be in the mood to do so. I hope this isn't too upsetting to you.
    Yes. Sung is around 1000 AD, Kong Zi, about 500 BC.
    Sung loved Confucianism too much.

    I think they would live full times at school. After all, some of them would be extremely far from home (being far from home, plight of all Chinese scholars :rolleyes:). Though I'd think that they would probably get Chinese New Year and some other holidays off. I'm not sure how it worked, and I can't seem to find anything about it.
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? sorry this took so long, ohh man no fireworks at the festval, what a bummer :( how was childern's week at the festival? was it fun? my grama seems to be doing better but she still needs alot of prayer, have the best week ever
    Well, have finished the prologue...starting first chapter. I like it so far. I have to log out now though. I'll read the first chapter when I come on again. :D
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