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  • Umm, sure to the moving and no the the other. Maybe have him about to be when they get out and they manage to save him but not actually have it go through. Something like that. Or maybe have them think that he was but then it wasn't true and he ends up being fine.

    Here's the kids. I don't know what ages you want them so I'll just put how old they are compared to the others.

    Born two years after Summer and Evan were married
    Looks like his father

    Born two years after Michael
    Looks like her mother

    Grant and Grace
    Twins born three years after Anne-Marie
    Don't really look like either of their parents
    I'll work on those kids.

    I don't know. It seems more like a science fiction novel than a book about homeschoolers in high school which is what it started out as.
    I'm really sorry I haven't been around and even more sorry that I never finished Summer's story.

    Here's the answers to your questions if you still need them.

    1) Umm, I never gave him one. We'll just say it's Rand. Evan Rand.
    2) Never thought about that either. I'll say it's Physical Therapy. He got into it because of Summer's dad.
    3) I hadn't decided but I think so. Yes, she does but not till she's 21.
    4) It depends on what the government was doing. If it was being horrible then yes she would defy it.
    hello copperfox, ohh that's cool that sounds really good for a skit at the festival, you have a goodnights sleep :)
    hello copperfox, i've been meaning to ask you how did the 2nfd week of the festival go??? our 3rd business is doing ok for the moment, goodnight and have a good sleep :)
    I would like to comment on what you said about my story
    1. I wanted Reepicheep tp responed like that because almost all of the girls are Temarines with dark hair. Laura looked like a treat to him.
    2. In my imagination woman in Narnia usally fought with crossbows or the traditional bow and arrows. So learing how to use a sword is very unusal in Narnia.
    I would love to learn how to use a sword. That would be a great skill to use!:)
    See I know politics gave you special powers.

    Where's the X-Men or Ghostbusters when you need em?
    Really? Yikes. So they can sue right? I would freak if he grabbed me like that....

    uhhh... and I'll have to check that thread, Joe. Been gone a really long time lol :)
    Really? Glad you got it. I was worried none of my mail was being sent out.

    Do you think that thing with Etheridge was real or a setup??

    How was the Festival??
    I just started reading "Southward", and I like it. Its very original and creative. You write a lot like C.S. Lewis. I am going back to the thread to read more! :)

    And youwould be right! I've read all the Chronicles 11+ times.. I love them! :)
    Alright! I will take a look at your fan fiction novel "Southward the Tigers" and tell you what I think of it.
    OK, I'll be watching.:D Although I rarely participate in the Socratic Club threads, I do read them.
    It was used loosely, like "cousin" to refer to a distant relative. (Besides, Mal was under a lot of pressure at the moment.:p He wasn't up to figuring out the details.)
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