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  • well its on this site. We've been going to the theatre a lot,my mum and dad have money burning a hole in their pocket:)
    hey I posted the first three chapters of my finished book!
    hey copperfox,just say the VOTD trailer,they gutted it. You mad? I'M FURIOUS! I didn't know if you were just mad about PC so I wanted to know if there was anyone else who felt like stabbing Mr. Apted in the back,good lord that made me mad:mad:
    Yup. Its amazing where I get the inspiration from to make all of these lovely Narnian stories from :)
    hello Copperfox! How was your week? Let me tell you about mine. this week I went to musical theater camp and I love it. I am getting really good at acting and singing.We are learning a scene from Shakeshere.I play a smal part but I did not really want a big one. i also wrote a Narnia story. It is not that good but I still want you to read it!
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good :) anyway everything's going good here as good as possible, i'm so excited for you that you'll be doing a Father's Day thing at the festival, you have a good week & a good performce at the festival :)
    Well... Lewis was once again vague..but from what I got from the narnia wiki is that the accident happened in 1949...... where that came from, I have no idea....

    and... I think I may be reading your sequel.... o.o

    Now, for a new golden age fanfic I had in mind was, that about two years before Horse, Edmund's away in the Lone Islands, Peter and Lucy are given poisoned wine meant for Susan, leaving her to care for them... and Edmund borrowed the cordial....


    sounds like it reeks of cliche right?
    I was thinking about either the weekend of the 17 or 24. I'll see if I can finalize my plans. The 24 sounds more like it.
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good :) well everything seems to be better today a little bit :) ohh man that's a bummer that you were tired after the festival :) good luck this next weekend :)
    Yes, ok. I will let you know, but it probably won't be until after the middle of July... this is because it's too late for June right now, and the first two weeks of July I will be working a lot due to various ppl taking vacations in my office.
    A costume? I don't know. How about a Napoleon Costume? lol, not really a ren fest costume but it's all I have right now.
    what's the name of your town there?
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? thank you for asking, mom went to see a counselor today because she's under alot of stress, my grama won't eat so she's starveing herself to death but she'll eat little amounts, our 3rd business isn't doing very well, how's your week been? are you prepareing for the 2nd weekend of festival? have a good week
    Really? :eek:
    Wow,cool idea!!!I haven't really followed the new Alipang Havens story,but I promise I'll now be truly reading it! ;)
    This should prove interesting.
    what are the times it will run? I need to see how long will it take to drive over if I can. I have too much work right now and only taking an extended weekend will do.
    hello copperfox, yep i know :( that's true, thank you for your prayers, i read about your first day at the festival :) you have a good week ok
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