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  • Hi, Copperfox!

    Now that I'm on vacations, enjoying fully all this spare time and preparing some stuff now that I'll be (in the meantime) an english teacher for children and adults, I've been reading the whole Narnia series.

    And that led me to the following...

    Does your story or Timbalionguy's story reveal something about the Deep Magic of the Stone Table? Or are there new fanfics here that I should read?
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good :) anyway that's cool that it's almost time for the festival to open, depending on where the nest of wasps is you could spray the nest with Raid that might help unless it's outside, have a great time at the festival, yes business is doing good we still need alot of prayer :)
    it funny that my dance recital is on the same day as your first performance! You have a long summer ahead of you....
    Now that's cool. It would be really awesome if I went into a book shop and had a look at the audio-books and then, look, it's Copperfox's book! It'd be sooo cool! :D
    Hey, I like the sound of that! If it's book length then why haven't you made it into an actual book?
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good, how was the first week of the festival? did you get over your cold, my dad's doiong really well with the 3rd business, have a goodnights sleep :)
    A dance rectial. I had know idea when to go onstage and how to get to my spot. It was funny to watch a video of it 2years later! And a play that my friends made up. I miss the last rehearsal and did not remember my lines.
    I am glad that you made it through the dress rehearsal. I have miss a dress rehearsal once so I know how hard it is to go onstage with out know out to do!
    Hello, Copperfox! How was your week? Mine went well. I only have 4 more days of school left!
    Oh yes, I've seen that. I thought it was just more overrated, annoying crud by Andrew Llyod Webber. The only song that was MUSICALLY good was Gethsemane (I saw Colm Wilkinson sing it. Guy's got an amazing voice.)

    I guess that's true. Either that, or they'll just be the "OMG MARIUS SHOUL HAVE MARRIED EPONINE!" type who write obnoxious fanfiction and don't read the book. But I could be wrong. I hope I am.
    He was Gavroche as a little kid.. This is probably going to bring the disney-boppers into the les mis fandom. Which is not good. He doesn't have a strong enough voice. How's he going to manage Empty chairs at Empty Tables? I am digusted.

    And I don't see why we need another concert. The other concert was nearly perfect.
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