Yes, there seem to be a lot here. I have been on other forums, generally roleplaying ones and they haven't been half as nice as this. Granted, this was when I was in middle school but I'm loving it more and more here. There's so much to ba a part of I don't even know where to next partake. Thought just by reading different postings I feel like I'm getting to know everyone on the forums
Yes, I am contemplating joining, though will catch up on the reading first I think. It will also help me come up with a character of my own I'm sure XD
You have such strong feelings re: Peter's twisting in PC movie, could you sonnetize perhaps them in a poetic warning to future film adapters? I'd love to read it!
Really? That really surprises me! And you're quite welcome Only a few stanzas into THE TALE OF SOPHIA RENEE but loving it so far! Have you ever read the Song of Hiawatha? It is brilliant, another book-poem about a Native American, definitely worth the read when you have the time.
Thank you for the feedback Copperfox.
I've just always been a bit obsessive at analyzing lol,and I loved the Chronicles of Narnia before I even knew they were Chtristian.