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  • Yes, there seem to be a lot here. I have been on other forums, generally roleplaying ones and they haven't been half as nice as this. Granted, this was when I was in middle school but I'm loving it more and more here. There's so much to ba a part of I don't even know where to next partake. Thought just by reading different postings I feel like I'm getting to know everyone on the forums :)
    Yes, I am contemplating joining, though will catch up on the reading first I think. It will also help me come up with a character of my own I'm sure XD
    You have such strong feelings re: Peter's twisting in PC movie, could you sonnetize perhaps them in a poetic warning to future film adapters? I'd love to read it!
    Thank you Copperfox! It's so good to be back! Finished all my A-levels so i'm nice and free from any pesky exams at the moment! How are you doing?
    Really? That really surprises me! And you're quite welcome :) Only a few stanzas into THE TALE OF SOPHIA RENEE but loving it so far! Have you ever read the Song of Hiawatha? It is brilliant, another book-poem about a Native American, definitely worth the read when you have the time.
    I'm on page 64 of 68 and so have four more pages of forum posts to read through, so nearly finished! :)

    I am sorry for your loss(es)... but I will certainly look into it!
    Thank you for the feedback Copperfox.
    I've just always been a bit obsessive at analyzing lol,and I loved the Chronicles of Narnia before I even knew they were Chtristian.
    I will certainly be praying for you. Keep me posted on what the doctors say. Im a little scared about leaving home and going to New York
    Hi Joseph,
    How is your health? Happy belated anniversary!

    I would like to cordially invite you to submit names for properties for the Narniopoly project I have started
    I'll have to check that out, I haven't read any of your stories yet. I'd like to get active here again. I remember your Sonnets though!
    Aye Up Dad,
    how are you doing? I wish that I could say I was well. I have not had a good summer. I have been in and out of the hospital with a very bad case of asthma attacks. I am coming to the US! My Uncle John lives in New York and wants me to come and visit him and my Aunt. They just had a baby and they also have 4 others. So I am going to stay with them to help them with the children. Also my doctors thinks that the change of climate might help my health. Please keep me in your prayers! Love you!
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