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  • I will.
    I've also been taking notes from fiction I read, such as choice of words and sentence structure. I've found that comparing my favorite styles that make the most written sense has really improved my writing abilities.
    You might find this interesting. After some thought, I finally came to realize what it is I want to do in life: I want to be a journalist! It has always steamed me how news reports are always custom tailored to induce emotional responses about certain issues that align to whatever the writer's views are. I want to write news stories that tell the facts and make people see what's really happening. Now the trick is finding a news paper that would actually want my kind of journalism. . .
    I just graduated a couple of weeks ago, so my college took that address away from me, but I'll PM you my other email address:D
    I'll be praying for Stefanie, too. It wasn't so long ago that I was pretty clueless about God, so when I hear about people in those situations, my heart goes out to them. I know that, but, for the grace of God, I would be in the same spiritual place as them.
    Hello there, I read some of your latest blog! You have a compelling story on your hands!
    For Your Amusement
    When I thought you were asking for ideas, I was _going_ to suggest: Al get a vox populi/sensus fidelium elevation to leadership by the enclave inhabitants, for his past charity, leadership & service in peace, then leadership, performance & heroics in enclave defense. Many top American leaders have come off the battlefield. Then possibly the enclave gains, independent status. World-wide influential contacts Al has already made & favorably impressed (like COL Yang & Bert), & whom God has prepositioned (like Brendan) could make this plausible.

    However, you are a master storyteller & a fine writer. I went ahead & sent this for your amusement only because I know you are confident enough in your abilities not to second guess yourself, or put too much emphasis on the opinion of those of US who are NOT writing your book. ;) I am sure whatever you have thought will be quite excellent, & most likely far superior to my amateur ideas as well.

    Rick Snouffer
    I think you have also done a good job of uncomplicating your character list for the plot lines going forward!

    No, sadly, in situations like this, good people have to die. However, usually, by the Grace of God, more good people live. I think it is about good so far.

    I think you have done a very good job so far. I have also enjoyed the way you have described the military actions and counter actions. Sounded very realistic--at least to this old soldier who once studied war but, thanks be to God, did not have to ever fight one.

    I will be interested to see what your solution and wrap up are. Your last trans sounded like a call for ideas, but then at the very end it sounded like you came up with what you needed.

    Rick Snouffer
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