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  • Thanks. I didn't think they had to girliefy the angel outfit either - those beaded necklaces were pointless and you know that if the little boy had been the Head Angel, they wouldn't have put necklaces on him
    Hm can't say I remember, but I think it's wonderful how involved you still are with the online citizens! I'm happy to see you still creating wonderful worlds and creative characters. I might join your page, I'll look into it!
    Hello dearest Copper, I wonder if you remember me. I'm an ancient artifact from the golden years of TDL, and you always were a strong support for all of us. I'm making yet another return to these green forums filled with the absolute best and kindest internet denizens I have ever seen. I hope you are doing well, and wanted to thank you for being a wonderful friend to my young dumb self. Hope you see you around!
    I see -- canonically speaking you couldn't give an author.
    So that part of the spine I will leave blank. However, I hope you don't mind I added a subtitle to clarify what your title means:
    Life in Three Dimensions: Aquatic Life for Airbreathers
    I like your Life in Three Dimensions title. What author should it have? Thanks, Linda
    P.S. if you want to contribute a title+author for our Narnian bookshelf, here is the link.
    I pray that this FB friend has calmed down and can understand you were trying to be supportive...
    Your send up of Puddleglum's Silver Chair persona is a winner! (and not just because it was the only entry - It was truly in character and in cannon and witty.) PM me where I should send your prize, okay?
    Your Puddleglum's song for the lyrics contest cracked me up! Such a fun send up Puddleglum-style... Thank you
    Oh wow.. that doesn't sound very good.. sad to hear that you're going through so much stuff. Hope things will get better!

    I'm doing fine :) Started studying again, and really enjoying it. It is tough, but so much fun!
    Wow copper, that sounds like a lot. That is so stressful. I am so sorry to hear about the personal and health related issue you are facing (((hugs))))
    Copperfox, I checked with Inkspot -- Pratterson is a mod from the past. I'm so glad Pratterson was able to take care of your need right away, and I will talk to Umbrella.
    Hi Copperfox. I'm not in here as much as I should be to say the least. Hope everything is going well with you.
    You're welcome. I totally forgot that it was there. Unfortunately, I forgot some of my plot ideas. I mean, I have a few notes, but I'll be making most of it up on the fly now.
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