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  • Thanks for writing from the truth of your experience. May the Lord give you something joyful and beautiful to write about soon.
    Thank you, Joseph for your riddles. I hope you are getting on okay healthwise? Your last sonnets sounded sad...

    Anyway, voting for favorite riddles has begun on the Narnian riddle contest...
    Love your riddles, Copperfox!
    Could you please give each of them titles for me to use in the polls for judging the winning riddles?
    Большое спасибо!
    Hi Joseph, as Peeps rightly observed^, we could really use your wit and poesy in the Riddles contest in Cair Paravel.
    Ahh that really sucks. Its lovely you have friends and family that you can ask for help though. Hopefully you will build up your savings again.
    Thank you for your welcoming Casandy248, but that user has turned out to be a spambot so I put 'it' under the ban.
    Hi Joseph,
    BarbarianKing thought of a solution in enabling you to access your story threads. I summarized his advice in this post.
    Hey Copperfox- life continues to be busy here. Glad to hear you are still writing. Our daughter has become quite the writer as well, so there are several writers in the family. Hope all is well there. I am trying to check in here more often. See you 'round.
    hello copperfox, ohhh how exciteing :) i'm glad you will be in your reenactment group :) how's the weather in CO? here in Eastern OR it has stopped snowing :) it's sunny for a change, have a great church service today :)
    you're welcome Copperfox how are you dispite what's going on :) me i'm going do, yesturday i went to the thrift store & found some bubble wands for the Spring & Summer :) the packages were hardly even opened are you doing any Ressiiance festivals this year? you have a good week :)
    Thanks for your snailmail. I will send your prize to you this weekend. I hope you and Caroliina are staying warm this winter... Praying for freedom and wholeness for your sister, and mercy for anything that might be burdening you.
    blessings, Linda
    hello Copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good i'm so sorry that carol left you :( i know that must be painful for you :) hang in there i'm sure you'll find somebody else i'm glad your blood pressure is down, God bless & have a great week :)
    thanks copperfox :) you're a good brother in the Lord too :) i've been wondering how you & your wife carol are doing? it's been a long time you guys got married :) i've seen her post in the group sometimes on FB :)
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