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  • It surely has been! I was looking through some of your stuff yesterday actually! It´s been to long since I´ve been on here.
    Just said a prayer for you that God would supply All your needs --whatever they might be-- according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
    hello Copperfox, how are you doing? i saw what you posted in the contests section :) i'm sorry you are hurting :( i know that this world is falling apart :( but we have to keep praying & reading his word & fellowshipping with other believers, hang in there ok :)
    I'll have to check that out! I mostly write short things, I only have one lengthy story and it has been unfinished for years.
    I've been considering it! I used to write quite a bit for fun, and just haven't done it in a long time. Still have a few ideas for short stories rolling about in my head...I may break one out here.
    I've noticed, I'll have to read them! I am refusing to give up too. That's why even when I wasn't active here at all, every now and then I would log in and see what was going on. It is a great community, just in a slow spot. I think if Silver Chair ever does come through and get made, maybe more people will return or we will get some new members and more activity.
    Yes, that's true! I also hope for a revival around here, this was the first internet/forum place that I really felt welcome and like I was a part of the community, and it saddens me to see how inactive it is now. It used to really thrive!
    Thank you, it has helped me a lot just to get my feelings out in the open, and I hope that if anyone else ever deals with something like that the thread will be able to give them some insight and help as well.
    I hope your summer is going well. You just had your 2nd anniversary, right? Hope you and your dear wife are experiencing God's good hand on your lives.

    There is a new contest --Live Like a Narnian-- please forward this info to anyone that you think might enjoy participating.
    Thank you for the email address. It's unique, I like it. I'll send you an email a.s.a.p look for mine:

    I don't actually eat snakes it's from one of my favorite Metal Gear Solid video games. ;)
    Hi. :) Thanks for your invite, I really appreciate it. Sadly I don't do Facebook or Twitter or any of that social media. I just do message boards to some of my favorite things. I know this board isn't as active in between movies, but I try to post something every now and then to help keep it alive, obviously not to spam though. ;)
    Eh.. I don't know that I'm "back," really. But it certainly has been a long time. What are you writing these days?
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