Hey! I have a new baby brother!!!!! He was born the day after Christmas and his name is Alijah Kallaway! He's adorable! Anyways, I posted a pic of him on the "share a pic" thread a few days ago!! And... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Thanks Edmund is one of my favorite characters. I love his journey. It really speaks to my own spiritual movement from angry atheist to genuine believer. When you start out as kind of a bitter person mocking the idea of God/Aslan, you get quite a shock when you realize that He loved you enough to die for you so He could spend eternity with you. You have this urge to become someone a little more pleasant to spend eternity with, and you know that you weren't saved because you were such a wonderful person and you deserved it, but because He is wonderful and merciful. You aren't left with room for pride, just intense gratitude and awe.
I got your mail and was able to unobtrusively distribute it around campus in student lounges and places like that.
And yeah, I know, Crying Within An Empty Grave. ANOTHER near-teenage story. But I think I flush out the details by having vivid characters.
Sorry I have not had the time to read or re-read your Alipang story, Copperfox.
I shall attempt to start over so I can get the feel of your story again.