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  • V
    Hello! How are you? I went to the Holy Day of Obligation at my church. The homily was about the Blessed Virgin Mary, and how they couldn't find her body in the tomb. They believe that her body was raised up to heaven. I don't understand this well. Please help.
    You're welcome:D

    Good luck with the reading if you do choose to recite it.

    Reading aloud is much more entertaining when you give voices to different characters. I'm glad you were able to use your experience with faking Scottish, Irish, and Welsh accents in your fiction.
    I was recently in the hospital again. I was doing better until about 2 weeks ago when I had another attack which landed me in for about a week.
    I don't really have an opinion. You'd know better than I do whether you can pull it off. It sounds like a hard scene to write, though potentially very cool.
    In regards to other people's writings--quite understandable. I hope you and Carol enjoy your trip, and I'll meanwhile be looking forward to the conclusion.
    That could be quite a challenge, given the number of characters you're juggling. How far into the future is the climax? I'm trying to get to the climax of The Crow's Cry myself, hopefully before I start school in late August. Are you still reading it? There are a lot of slow parts, unfortunately. :rolleyes:
    Oh I think it would be fine (and probably advisable) to wait longer for the next contest. No rush. Just pm me when you are ready with the description.
    Copper, I had forgotten that you offered to translate "The Regatta" and therefore I had neglected to feel slighted. Please forgive my oversight and consider yourself belatedly smacked with a wet mackerel. ;-)
    No, we won't be there this friday. Mom thinks we probably won't be in your area until August 10th or after.
    It should work to combine that as you said. Once we're there, we're pretty flexible.
    Unfortunately, all I can say is whenever the rare part needed to fix the motorhome is finally found and put in its propper place. We're at the mercy of the part-searchers and the repairman. The repairman is doing everything he can, but his original part searcher who supposedly had found the part has mysterious dropped contact with him, though I believe he now has others searching as well. However, we will come as soon as we possibly can.
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