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  • Joe, if you wished, I could e-mail you copies of the stories for your review. Technically I no longer own them, having signed over rights to Ignatius when I entered into the contract. However, I know that YOU understand about such things, and won't go sending copies all over and posting contents places they shouldn't be. If you wish, let me know your e-mail and I'll send them along.
    I don't know of anything going on that can be attributed to moderators. It's very stagnant around here lately, almost nothing going on.
    I'll take a look at it. I'm in the middle of a psychology class, though, and with work and family responsibilities, I don't know whether I'll have the time. But thanks for the heads-up.
    It's a sad fact that some of the most "tolerant" people in our society are the most close-minded. Most of them will refuse to have any friends with any different beliefs from them, and they tend to automatically assume that anyone who disagrees with their political views is ignorant and bigoted, which, ironically, is an ignorant and bigoted attitude to have. If you don't believe exactly like them and dare to express that, you are the intolerant, hateful one. Kind of weird how that works out.
    In my experience, a lot of people who would like to see themselves as clever and subversive actually make the mistake of adopting wholesale without any questioning the "tolerant" teachings of our politically correct era, which may not be as tolerant as many today would like to believe because the "political correctness" one receives is highly dependent upon your historical victim status.

    In the modern world, people who are still awake and thinking critically need all the encouragement they can get...
    We tend to forget that while sometimes people do have legitimate complaints, other times they are just inventing excuses to whine and complain or feel noble about forgiving.

    Also very true about reality being reality, and it being our duty to try to make our perceptions conform to reality. Only such an egocentric age as ours would give rise to the philosophy that perception equals reality, and only a generation that hates the truth so much as this one would imply that it varies so much from person to person. Any truth is valid so long as you don't suggest that there is ONE truth that DOESN'T change with perception...
    Thanks for the link. I read your post about "Certain Real World Basics" and I just wish more people would think in terms of your stew comparison when voting. A country where big businesses are encouraged to be bloated and not care about what consumers want so long as they can continue to churn out government approved junk is not a place we want to be:(

    I also enjoyed your post about "Poor Little Boundaries." It's too true that there are so many supposedly persecuted underclasses dominating our society. All a person has to do is claim that someone has insulted them in some imaginary way because of their race or gender, and somebody else's life becomes miserable. Not justice at all. You make good points about extremes, and I think that is lost in the rhetoric these days.
    Sorry, I'm not really into that kind of thing :(.. I'm mostly just not that good at it :p, no one seems to get my humor, or me as a person in general LOL..

    Thanks for inviting me though!
    Oh, thanks so much! I'll definitely use that as a guide for when I write a sonnet. It may be a little while but there is one subject I'd like to address through a sonnet :)
    Really? That's awesome! Um, I can try. I'll see what I can do. I don't know where the original graphic is at the moment but I can look into finding it for you.
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