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  • Hey, sorry for not replying sooner. I have been rather busy with the move into my new place, being excited at God showing me my future wife, and going to church which is awesome as it is my first time back in almost three years. Yeah, I really enjoy these contests, I just have a ton on my mind. By the way how are things at your end? Last I heard you were getting married, and congrats. Already married or what date will it fall on? Well my break is almost over, catch you later o/
    Hey! I just posted a new cover song on my Youtube channel! If you want to check it out, there's a link in my thread called "please listen to me" in the land of the duffers!
    Lol:D Feminists can be quite hilarious when they aren't being irritating.

    Some women want the Bible to conform to their beliefs instead of conforming their beliefs to the Bible. It's a good example of putting the cart before the horse.
    Yeah, that sort of taking Jesus' words and actions out of context drives me bonkers. Such people also like to pull random laws out of Leviticus and ask why young woman are allowed to wear jeans. They refuse to take any explanation about New Covenants and what laws apply to Jews and Gentiles under the Old Covenant, anyway. They just want to prove, in their own little head, that Christianity is wrong, and they are so much smarter than us silly old Christians. It's really hilarious when those are the only verses they know in the Bible.

    That line you got fed about Lazarus is outrageous. Almost as maddening as the one where Jesus' miracle with the loaves and fishes demonstrates socialism. No, you see, Jesus increased the amount of bread and fishes. I highly doubt that any socialistic government would be able to do the same, not being Sons of God. I suspect we will all be left with nibbles of fish and bread or no fish and bread at all...
    I'm glad! :) And yes, that's very true... I just wish I had enough time to write them down!
    That's great to hear! Sadly, my own writing has come to a standstill over the last few years as I've been busy with university. I hope you're doing well!
    I suppose I was annoyed at both in general. But I can't imagine having Samantha as a mother. No wonder David is thinking about going to Uganda. :rolleyes:
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