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    Hey! How are you and your wife doing today?
    Hi! How are you today? I'm tired from fishing halibut and packing for my trip to NY.....
    hello copperfox, how are you & carol doing?? i'll have to check & see if the cellphone can recieve pictures or not, i noticed that you called this last month, will call you tonight ok :)
    Thanks! I try to remember the locations as best I can.
    Those added bits about adultery always seemed out of place to me in the context of the rest of the stories and who the characters are, and being that the Normans are of largely French descent and the French seemed to cause trouble for Britain often, it seems like something they would have come up with. Do you suppose those authors added those stories to try and make themselves feel less sleezy by degrading the character of noble heroes?
    Ack! I just look at people's avis. That is probably Edmund or someone she has as her avi and I didn't notice! Thanks for telling me. :)
    Aye up Dad,Mom
    I am fianally home from the hospital. the Doctors think that I am on the mend finnally. But I can't work or do anything that could upset my lungs. Between the asthma and my Scarlett Fever it really did a number on lungs. Please pray for me Because this will be very hard for me. Because it means NO More Horesback RIding(Cries) NO MORE WORKING IN THE BARN With horses. I love you Both Dearly! Congratulations on your wedding!
    Yeah, if you started out as an agnostic, you don't have to worry that your belief in Jesus is programmed into you. You know it is a choice you freely made.

    I'm kind of grateful that I went through my atheistic phase for a similar reason, because I know that it was my choice to come back to Jesus, or, in many ways, come to Him for the first time. I also know now that if God could reach me when I was a hard-hearted atheist (not that they all are, but I certainly was), He can reach anyone, and that if He can find a purpose for me, He can find a purpose for anyone.
    Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! It seems like more people than ever in my personal life are either getting divorced or pregnant outside of marriage, or coming out of the closet. There is a huge spiritual attack on marriage as defined in God's Word: One man and one woman for life.
    Why yes I am. I saw it on facebook. Congrats! :D Young people need good strong marriages to look up to in a world where divorce and unfaithfulness prevail. I'm very proud of and happy for you!
    God bless!
    He wants us to see serving Him and worshipping Him as an expression of our love for Him, because He loved us first though we didn’t deserve it and can do nothing to earn His love.

    Ritualism is all about the rules. Your heart can be in the right place, of course, because you can sincerely want to follow the rules, but, every time a situation crops up, you have to whip out your little rulebook and see what you are supposed to do, and, if your situation isn’t in the rulebook, you panic, because you don’t know what you are supposed to do. With the new law of love Jesus gave, we don’t have to panic any more. We know that we are supposed to act out of love of God and one another at all times, so we always know how we are supposed to act, and we also are (or should be…) always acting out of love, so there is not the risk of us just approaching our faith like it is a thing to check off on a cosmic to-do list.
    I think that it is important to understand that Jesus took us from ritualism to freedom, as you say. Jesus taught us that we can approach God as we would a perfect Father, humbly, affectionately, and obediently, comfortable in the knowledge that we are loved (even though we can be terribly naughty) and without any fear of being abused. We don't have to approach our fathers ritualistically--we just have to approach them with love and respect. That's how God wants us to come to Him. We're children in an abiding relationship with our Father. As Scripture says, we are no longer slaves!

    For the early years of my life, I did ritualism. I went to church every Sunday, because that was what Mom wanted me to do. I didn’t have my heart dedicated to worshipping God. I saw going to church as a chore and a bore. I don’t think God ever wants us to see serving Him and worshipping Him as another item to check off on the to-do list.
    I do wish the realities weren't what they were, but it can be dangerous not to see the truth until it is too late because of wishful thinking or blissful denial. Hope is a Christian virtue, but stupidity is not, and I try to stay on the right side of the fine line that separates them.

    Since I've started taking my faith seriously, I have to say that it is a constant struggle to disengage myself from the lies that a secular society has taught me to believe are true. There are some values in modern society that are good and consistent with Christianity, but some are not, and I can't afford to have my mind and my faith cluttered with them.
    That being said, I still do like to hope that there will be Muslims who sincerely love the God of Abraham they believe themselves to be worshipping and perform good deeds out of that love who might be saved by God's grace. I like to see myself as an inclusionist rather than a universialist, but sometimes the lines in my mind and heart get blurry. I don't think that I'm as theologically smart as some people. My relationship with God is very personal and emotional that it can be very hard to talk about it in any sort of intellectual way. I admire the people who can, though, because I think it would make it easier for me to evangelize atheistic and agnostic friends/family. (Knowing the joy of going from an atheism really hostile to the idea of God and Christianity, I really wish I were better at communicating the intellectual side of Christianity.)
    I think it's very important to see for me, as a future teacher, to see the differences between an ethnic race and a belief system. Ideas aren't genetic, as you say. They are individual and cultural, but they aren't genetic. It can be dangerous to think of people as automatically having a certain belief system because of their ethnicity. (I always remember that Christians belong to many ethnicites, but they all share at least a core belief system.)

    I see your point about exact opposites not being true and contradicting each other. There are aspects of Islam that aren't bad (belief in one God, etc.) but a religion that denies that Jesus is God and that He suffered death on the Cross to save us cannot be true and isn't compatible with what we believe. Muslims think that when we worship Jesus, we are committing idolatry, essentially, and a religion that proclaims that message can't mesh with our religion at all.
    So.... anything interesting happen today?
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