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    I know, right? I used to read his books it I almost nearly threw up.
    I have to go write right now before my time gets eaten by the kids in the neighborhod. Turns out I have to play "pretend war" with them everyday, not just one day.
    Bye for now!
    That's the same article! He thinks there's no love in LWW.
    I mean, come on! Aslan sacrificing himself to save the four Pevensies, the kids' bonds..... if that's not what you call love, then... I don't know what he calls love.
    I found this nasty article on BBC talking about Philip Pullman not like the Narnia films. I don't want to talk about it.
    also, check out the thread I put in Prayers called Divorce. I'm scared, I need help.
    I saw! I just checked; sorry if I didn't check earlier. I had promised some elementary kids that I'd play "pretend war" with them, and it last most of the day. To be honest with you, it was fun even though I got hit and drenched with water.
    Whoops! Its sorta hard to find ideas nowdays...
    Okay, I just made up a social group called the "Writers Club". If you wanna join you can because its a public group. I need help making up discussions because I'm running low on ideas. Please help me!
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