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  • I agree with the exceptions, that all must try to share the word, and use the gifts God anoints them with (ministry, servant's heart, etc.). Thanks for explaining that :D
    Ah, that makes more sense. That's good I can reconize them! :D Since I'm a librarian, I love the legend of Saint Jerome, Patron saint of Librarians. though, I didn't want to recognize him If I would cause a Catholic Offense :D
    What doe you means by the last part? Are you objective because they are not enforced, or because they are?
    Thanks Again! :D
    Well, in my weak knowledge of saints, there seem to be some from ancient roman times that seem to have been inducted more upon legends, that protray them differently than historical records do. Now, that may be just me misunderstanding the book, I was reading, or someone's opinion...
    What about recognition of Feasts and recognition of catholic saints? is it offensive for a protestant to take note of them?

    thanks for clearing this up for me :D
    Copperfox, I have a few Catholic Questions for you.
    1). I've been curious about Saints, are all saints considered Christians? or are some only considered good role models?
    2). I'm protestant, so my theological views of Saints differ from the traditional Catholic view, but if If I'm not mistaken Catholics have feast days for every saint. Is it considered offending to Catholics, If a non-catholic makes note of a Saint or recognize a saint's feast?
    I don't wish to offend any Catholics, like some of my generation who run around with Rosaries around their necks.

    Thanks for any answer you can provide!
    i've been really busy lately with my mom she not working so I'vee n with her and I've been with my new bf hanging out with him so when I do have free time is when my mom is busy or asleep.
    LOL yes I did. I often get stuck between two different phrases and write something in between. Thanks.
    I'll see what I can do. :) School's almost out *happy/insane dance* I cannot wait... only 10 more days - 1 more EOCT and 1 AP exam...
    Not for long. Just a peek in. :) Keeping track of Aravis Kenobi's story and then I couldn't help myself and I had to leave a comment. :D Still really won't be here - but you can count on the fact that I'll be one of those brazillion guests that stalks the professor's writing club page. ;) Parents said they didn't like open forums - that's why I left and i'm still really not allowed to get on much at all anyway.
    My dad just said Carl Sagan was a genius. It made me laugh because when you write poems with my name,you always say that I'M smarter than him and I've got a pretty average IQ. I dunno,it just made me laugh.
    That's awesome! I'd love to have a book on kindle or in print eventually as well.
    I was homeschooled by a very organized and intelligent mother as well. My husband thinks that's why I'm such a critical thinker.
    M'kay :) I kind of wish I had my facebook still but my mom has all these government conspiracy fears about it...
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