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  • It's harder to cut ties with people you love than people you hate you know. I mean,not that I'm cutting ties or anything,but if you break away from a fandom of friends,it's harder than leaving a fandom of people who only caused you misery. I wish I COULD stay on here and Tumblr but I have a one track mind. once interests have changed,I can't go back. trust me,I saw a picture of ben barnes the other day and I literally felt like I just suffered a blow to the stomach.

    I might write some poems though. I'm having angst problems...

    holy cow you have a lot of reputation squares.
    No, of course not :) I just was covering the base and clarifying. I'm long past the "angry atheist" phase in my life :) I'm well into the "loyal opposition" phase :)
    MeiskeDW did not come up in the members' list. So maybe her membership has not yet been processed and that is why she got that message?
    Agreed, same for Christopher Eccleston, he had such great potential and did some wonderful things but he also had some absolutely horrible scripts. I think Colin Baker could have been good if they had started him out well but they started him out with a bad personality, trying a little too hard to be like the Fourth Doctor and it didn't work. :/
    A trend I developed on TLC chat and forum is a run by Hug. For when I don't have the time to type a message or I thought I had time and am now being called way... or I just want to say Hi before I sign off. Here I guess it would be a run by gug. (the act of running to the person and give a quick greeting before heading on their way.)
    I think one may perhaps feel that way about the place one has joined first and grown in. I don't know about paranoid... I had thought it was only in place for safety. Because of having younger people on there. But then there's us who are part of the facebook group, (aside from those who aren't allowed to share their name or some other reason) and some are friends on facebook, so I guess that would kinda be knowing people's identity. I don't know... It's been fun to have get together and meet some of the members.
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