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  • Well, the guy who played the bishop was an understudy for one of the members of Thenardier's gang, AND the understudy for Thenardier. :D

    But the Valjean they had was one of the best I've ever heard, second only to the great Colm Wilkinson. His Bring Him Home was just beautiful (Heck, Javert was one of the best I've heard, too. Only I couldn't clap for his death, even though the actor did a fantastic job with the song.)
    Nope, just got autographs and a picture. :p Though honestly, in the stage show, they function as much needed comic relief, and their scene at the wedding is a nice breather between the barricades and the finale.

    Although Monsieur Thenardier is just PURE EVIL during the sewer scene.
    Not bad; I much prefer the sound of older Christian music to anything nowadays, so I like this. I'm trying to think of what artist it reminds me of, but I'm drawing a blank.

    (also, I saw Les Mis last Sunday. The cast was fantastic, and I was pretty much sobbing the whole time. Also, I got a picture taken with the Thenardiers.)
    hey Uncle Joe,
    Did you read my update? We went to see her today and she is doing ok. The Doctor is worried though because she hasn't woken up yet. He said she had a bad night last night. She was very delerious and kept talking about Esper & Destria(they were her horses. But they both died last year). Do think if she dies that she'll go to heaven?
    I have some... I must admit the bulk of so many pages did a bit intimidate me.. but I have tried to read some of it there. I know both you and EveningStar gave good advice there what I had read.
    I just guess I wanted to say thinks to thanks for your welcome when I first joined and for your encouragement with my writing. It's made TDL feel like a safe place to share my writings. *gugs*
    Well there you are! Hopefully some of us on TDL can encourage each other to become the next classic-fantasy authors. :)
    That would make it easier ... :) It's quite dispiriting to think CSL tossed of LWW as sort of a gift for his god-daughter ... and yet it's so gripping. Oh well, if we were all CSL no one could be Tolkien ...
    Would I be allowed to post a link in the academy if I have the story posted elsewhere, (like LiveJournal) or should I post the narrative itself?
    I write a lot of snippets and a ideas, (more than short stories) and I like to get people's opinion. So this sounds very welcome to me.
    I wasn't sure since it wasn't really a full story. I do have other (Narnia - in England ones) but at least two are sorta AU Real world history. Like I was told by others they didn't make sense realistically or people didn't think they'd fit with history.
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