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  • The Reformationists had some pretty harsh words for the Church of the time. I'm reading Tyndale right now. He was blunt and honest enough to call the pope and his followers hypocrites. Which probably is what got him killed.
    He does have a marvelous way with words. I can feel the passion dripping from them. Although his sentences never end. (like the apostle Paul. That man could not end a sentence to save his life.)
    That seemed to happen a lot during the early days of Christianity. When they killed off one person, his friends carried his torch. Until they were killed themselves. And then someone else would pick it up until the whole world was on fire.

    This paper is supposed to be between 15 and 20 pages. Shouldn't be a problem. I also need to do a 20 minute presentation on it. hooray. :/
    Oh yes, there's a chapter on him in Foxe's Book of Martyrs. I'm mostly writing about the Reformation in England (as this is for English Literature), but I have to work him in. I also need to work in Thomas More, as well. INFORMATION OVERLOAD.

    This was a project I took on voluntarily. WHAT HAVE I DONE?
    Wheeeeee I'm pulling an all-nighter so I can write about the Protestant Reformation. I've got nearly a page so far. Also I have eight tabs open on Luther, Tyndale, and John Bunyan. I also have Foxe's Book of Martyrs and a rather large volume called "The Story of Christianity".
    And I have a thermos of tea. I refuse to sleep until I get two pages written.
    Joe, thanks so much for your kind get well poem and for the kind thoughts that went with it :) What a nice surprise!
    Aye up Dad& Mom,
    today has not been a good day. my fever is been up to 100.2 and I have been so dizzy that I have to have a nurse with me at all times.
    *Smacks her forehead* Aaaah! I can't believe I didn't see that! Thank you for letting me know about the mistake, I'll change it right away!
    I would think so! How would you translate names or places into Russian? Would you transliterate or try to approximate the sound or meaning of the names in English?
    I can see why that would be annoying, but you know well that none of us here on the lawn would accuse you of being "not spiritual." ;)

    Sorry if I sounded rude in the post....
    I have done various forms of fasting and abstaining in my life. I may do some again. But if so, I will deliberately do this at some time OTHER THAN the Lenten season. /quote

    And our family celebrate Christmas in August, because we're good Protestants who denounce the Christian Calender. ;)

    (No, we don't, actually. And the sarcasm is not meant to be malicious. It's just that your posts in the Lent thread verge on annoying. We see you point, Copper. And we agree that our faith is not defined by the calender, as you seem to be suggesting. It's just that I just don't see why I should go out of my way to avoid "tradition." I need time to re-organize my life. It just so happens that Lent came along, giving me a well defined schedule to work with. So why not?)
    Oh Good! Tell her that I love her. And it's time for me to say Good night. I'm statring to get very sleepy and my fever is back up to 102.3 again. Love you
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