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  • That is terrible.... I keep all of my commemorative sticks (which my mom hates) in my bedroom. ONe of them is from when our dog, Red, was still alive. He had been in our family since I was born so it was really hard for us to put him down after we were told that he had heartworms so bad that either we could put him down or the medicine that they would have to give him would probably kill him. My dad has burned several of my sticks before too.... My latest one is about 5'4''. I've smoothed away the bark and carved out a handle, grip spot for it. But I understand about things with memories. Last year, a guy in my class named Tyler Moon passed away in a lawnmoer accident and - while he had messed with me a lot since i was the newbie in class that year - it was hard for me to deal with someone in all of my accedimic classes passing away...
    Sounds good to me. Loved your ideas for Father Christmas' gifts as well. I honestly REALLY like walking sticks to begin with so it was really cool that Father Christmas gave Fayrnn one.
    Well, not except while I am at work. I will be on everyday. it just might be late at night or early in the morning.
    Glad it at least keeps you reading from paragraph to paragraph. :D I might start putting in my second one - it's about a Mandelorean and a Jedi apprentice that Obi-wan never mentions. :) It has promise and there's a nice prologue to get the reader's attention snapped in.
    Thanks Joe! I appreciate your prayers a lot... By the way I wrote you a sympathy card but in all the activity going on I don't know what happened to it. When I find it I will send it out to you snail mail.
    Well, it is finished. :D Curious, how do you put in your signature or avatar?? I've been at a loss to find it so far.
    That's nuts :D But really cool at the same time. I think I'm going to post the rest of the story - is it even kind of suspenseful anywhere?? Good stories need that - and i might need to be go back and add a little more of the life and death reality of being incover Jedi.
    I guessed that was the case: it's been on the cards for some time, not so much a matter of 'if' as 'when'. He was good to have around, as a companion for Zamron, but at the end of the day, he was an npc, and as such expendable. The way you portrayed his decline was very impressive!
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