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  • Yes! Now I am anyway :) HEHEHEHEHEHE after a nice long explanation I do believe I'm on the right track again :) for now anyway. Thanks for the tip too!
    Perhaps after he answers Cerek's last question, and maybe warns that he has seen a wolf coming, as you mentioned that he might?
    I'd like to maybe stage a confrontation between Cerek and Agraf after Cerek leaves Flakefeather, in which Cerek tries to tell Agraf about Aslan, and Agraf warns Cerek not to listen to any more of that, etc. Then possibly follows Cerek when he goes to find Flakefeather again, or to do something Flakefeather told him, and attacks?
    On Agraf--that is a possibility, although I would have to work up to it. Since Cerek and Agraf are brothers, and Agraf (for all his faults) doesn't normally go on killing sprees, I would have to build up more tension between the two before I could get one to attack the other. At present they haven't interacted much. But I will start building up tension once Cerek knows the truth about Aslan and the Witch, etc.

    On Daffy--I was reading things out of order, so I first found out in the post above my comment. But I went back and read about the initial discovery. I'm glad that Josiah's family is taking the news well. (And here's to hoping that Josiah will eventually help Daffy get a decent name.)
    Cerek was, yes, but Mia was there and stretching the story to save the lives of her friends would be something that Mia would do. Beside Mia doesn't want the wolf to get into trouble with the Secret Police.
    I'll be sure to catch up on some of those :D Emphasis on some since I'm sure in over a year you've written far to many for me to read in any decent amount of time :p

    Goodness, I'm probably even more behind in that one :p But I'll do my best to catch up.
    Maybe; I'm kind of behind on the RP, and in the middle of a semester. I've got a couple tests this week, but I'll see what I can do.
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