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  • I didn't mean you or other gentlemen. I meant boys my age or younger, that I call guys, that don't pay attention to details.
    Yeah, I'm familiar with the purpose of it. I'm just not in a good mood and my mind isn't here. :(
    Ah, I see. I'm sorry for questioning your judgment. It's just from what I saw, it seemed rather harsh. *sigh* Again, my apologies, Uncle Joe. *gugs*
    I haven't seen it yet...
    it must still be running through networks...

    I'm looking for it though.
    All of thoes are mine!?!?!

    yay! ^^

    I think that is great that u are helping needy people, but i think ( and i know u probably already know this) that we must be careful not to foolishly give away money and just hope God will reward/and provide for us. Sometimes GIVING isn't always the best way to help people, but using that money to make more for them can be. Also, it is part of the church as a whole to provide for needy people, so maybe u should try to get more people involved to take some of the wieght off of your shoulders. I will definitly be praying for u though. I hope God does bless u in your efforts.

    My music is something that has been a HUGE blessing. i never dreamed that i could/would go this far with it. like i said, god has been overwhelming in the opertunities he has opened for me. I take off next week for a show in Kansas, and then i am hoping we will be in Tennessee before the year is out. We (me and my sister, she plays guitar) have already cut one cd, that was mostly bluegrass/country/gospel, and we just started our secound cd last week. It is strictly celtic. We have a bunch of gigs in Kentucky with the celtic fiddling. Please pray that i will stay humble and that my health and grades will stay up. when your on the road this much it can be hard to keep yourself healthy and i am homeschooled, but i still have to study a lot. my grades are fine so far, but i just hope i can keep up with it all going into my senior year. Thanks for your prayers and i hope your dad does ok.
    Ha! That's what the werewolf like to think, but in truth, the vamps are just completely against real furs. It's part of their "vegetarian" diet thing. They care for animals :)

    [To anyone looking at this: This is a Joke. I love werewolves!]

    And to the first
    I didn't say anything to the extent of not wanting you to be my friend, although I think that it would benefit you if we weren't.
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