I am reay sorry it has been so messed up, I will find time eventualy. It's just so hard.... I am going to bed now anyways so I ould not post it tonight.
Thanks for replying. No that's not it; I wish it were! The unexpected violence in a lighthearted rp caught me off-guard, for starters. I've sent you a PM.
You'll like it. I hope you will so much (um...wait I'm saying that wrong...I hope so much that you will enjoy it and not think regret the time loss(not possible!) in the end?)
Don't read the back! =D And don't go on any spoilery threads k?
I am so freaked out by your last 2 posts on Monologues. I am in tears. It's probably something in me that just got triggered by your posts. Maybe you could pray for me.
I'm going to turn in early tonight. Sleep well, and if you don't, know that I'll be praying for you. I had a wonderful prayer time earlier this evening in which you and your Dad & Mom and daughter and grandcild(ren?) were remembered, among others.
I knew that, and the "inconsistency" angle was appealing; that was why I finally jumped in tried my hand at it. That, and reading it one night was cracking me up. Okay, I'm back in!